Network unreachable for Factory

Hi geekos,

Currently I am in Factory upgraded from 13.1, (Gnome 3.12) by following this tutorial
The upgrading process went fine, however the problem is now I am not able to do any update or install via zypper or yast2 due to the system unable to reach the server.
My current repo:-

linux-xq9x:/home/yazid # zypper lr -u

# | Alias              | Name               | Enabled | Refresh | URI                                                  
1 | packman-essentials | packman-essentials | Yes     | Yes     |     
2 | repo-debug         | repo-debug         | Yes     | Yes     |      
3 | repo-non-oss       | repo-non-oss       | Yes     | Yes     |    
4 | repo-oss           | repo-oss           | Yes     | Yes     |        
5 | repo-src-non-oss   | repo-src-non-oss   | No      | Yes     |
6 | repo-src-oss       | repo-src-oss       | No      | Yes     |

What ever attempts of zypper se, install, up; I am getting the same connection error. For instance:-

linux-xq9x:/home/yazid # zypper up

Download (curl) error for '':
Error code: Connection failed
Error message: Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/? shows all options] (a): 

Packman repo and the internet however working fine. Am I missing something here? Thanks.

On 2014-09-21 01:26, powerw00t wrote:

> My current repo:-
> PHP code:

Please, next time use not PHP code, but plain “code” tags.

About your problem, as packman repo is working, it could be temporary

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Thanks for the guide about the correct tag :slight_smile: frankly, not really used to the panel.
About the repo, actually this is my second attempt using the Factory, the 1st was around last week with the same network problem. Reverted back to 13.1 (network ok) and point again to Factory about few hours ago. Seems that the network problem connecting to repo is only for Factory. It could be temporary but, for a week?

Thanks you.

I just installed Factory from the latest snapshot DVD
Network is fine

Perhaps you should try a proper new install too?

Stability is fine. Only issue I have right now is the latest ibus update seems to force to US keyboard

Will try that option as well, my current Factory is stable except the problem as I describe above. Since this machine is not for critical purpose lol!, I’ll stay here in Factory for a while.

Thank you.

On 2014-09-21 02:56, powerw00t wrote:

> About the repo, actually this is my second attempt using the Factory,
> the 1st was around last week with the same network problem. Reverted
> back to 13.1 (network ok) and point again to Factory about few hours
> ago. Seems that the network problem connecting to repo is only for
> Factory. It could be temporary but, for a week?

No, others would have noticed. And it is weird that it affects only a
particular repo. I tried wget on the same ‘content’ file that fails for
you, and it worked for me. It could be that the particular mirror that
you get redirected to, fails. Wait.

Disable the “repo-debug”, you do not need it - unless you really do.

If that does not help, then browse to any file in the repo, with FF, and
you will see on the right of each file a ‘details’ link. Click on it.

You get a page, created on the fly by “MirrorBrain” with a list of
mirrors on where to get that file from.

Then edit the repo configuration to point to a mirror you choose,
instead of the redirector.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

sorry for the late reply, and once again I am pointed back to Factory for the 3rd time from 13.1.
To make it short, initially the same problem happened but after carefully look into your suggestion to edit the repos url, likely my region is having continuous error to reach at opensuse, (it was working fine when I am pointing this to do the dup from previous 13.1). Looked into the mirror brain is something wasn’t easy to do as well, but I am made it when changed the url to closest region to my country. Now, everything just working fine as intended.

This is my list of repos

1 | packman          | packman          | Yes     | Yes     |                   
2 | repo-debug       | repo-debug       | No      | Yes     |         
3 | repo-non-oss     | repo-non-oss     | Yes     | Yes     |
4 | repo-oss         | repo-oss         | Yes     | Yes     |    
5 | repo-src-non-oss | repo-src-non-oss | No      | Yes     |   
6 | repo-src-oss     | repo-src-oss     | No      | Yes     |       

Please advice me the if any of the repos not really needed as I am still new to Factory and what is the proper way to do the updates. The only repos that I am enable currently is 3 which is packman, repo-oss and repo-non-oss.

Thank you.

Mirrors: if I go to and click on the blue “Details” button on the right of each line, I get , for example. Helps when SuSE loses a server; goes down for maint…etc

On 2014-10-12 09:46, powerw00t wrote:

> This is my list of repos
> Code:
> --------------------
> 1 | packman | packman | Yes | Yes |
> 2 | repo-debug | repo-debug | No | Yes |
> 3 | repo-non-oss | repo-non-oss | Yes | Yes |
> 4 | repo-oss | repo-oss | Yes | Yes |
> 5 | repo-src-non-oss | repo-src-non-oss | No | Yes |
> 6 | repo-src-oss | repo-src-oss | No | Yes |
> --------------------
> Please advice me the if any of the repos not really needed as I am still
> new to Factory and what is the proper way to do the updates. The only
> repos that I am enable currently is 3 which is packman, repo-oss and
> repo-non-oss.

Yes, that’s typically fine for factory, but you should also have
repo-update and repo-update-non-oss.

The debug and src repos you normally do not need, unless you are
investigating some issue that requires them for the report.

Notice that there are fewer mirrors for factory than for a released
version such as 13.1, so that could explain your problem. You are on the
“other” side of the globe ;-p (joking)

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

On 2014-10-12 14:56, snakedriver wrote:
> powerw00t;2669033 Wrote:
>> Looked into the mirror brain is something wasn’t easy to do as well,
>> but I am made it when changed the url to closest region to my country. .
> Mirrors: if I go to and click
> on the blue “Details” button on the right of each line, I get
> , for example. Helps when SuSE loses a
> server; goes down for maint…etc

Yes, that’s what I tried to explain. But here:

Just click on “details” for any file, and you get the mirror list for
that file. It is automatically generated for (almost) every single file.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

From the quoted in bold, I am still missed the update repos? what is the repo to be add? it doesn’t included in wiki openSUSE:Tumbleweed installation - openSUSE Wiki

See here:

Strictly speaking, the update repo is not necessary (it didn’t even exist until recently), but it is used to push through important security updates at times when Factory is too unstable to be published (like it was the case with the recent bash vulnerability).

And then there is also repo-update-non-oss for Factory ( ), but I think the normal repo-non-oss should always be up-to-date anyway.
At least I didn’t read any recommendation to add this anywhere.

Thanks wolfi, I’ll add the update repo but will mark as disable in yast. Just in case I need it in the future :slight_smile:

This doesn’t really make sense to me.
It doesn’t contain any updates anyway, only in the case it is needed in the future.

IMHO, you should enable it.

I see, thanks for the suggestion, will do.


On 2014-10-12 17:06, wolfi323 wrote:

> Strictly speaking, the update repo is not necessary (it didn’t even
> exist until recently),

No, I have seen it since years. it has always existed, but almost always
been empty or nearly so.

If you install factory from scratch all those repos are created
automatically. No need to add or remove any.

And the documentation is always outdated regarding factory - by
definition :wink:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

On 2014-10-12 17:16, powerw00t wrote:

> Thanks wolfi, I’ll add the update repo but will mark as disable in yast.
> Just in case I need it in the future :slight_smile:

No, leave it active. You will not know that it is “needed” if it is

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Well, it may have existed (no idea, there is no changelog for projects on OBS… :wink: ), but it definitely wasn’t added by default in any of the Factory installations I did in the last years.

And if it existed I don’t think it ever was used for anything upto now. But I don’t know really.

OTOH, the mailinglist message I linked to states:

Newer Factory installs should actually already have an update repo.

better add the dedicated Factory repo (which currently points to 13.2 but that will change)

IMHO this would indicate that it did not exist until recently and was added just now for emergencies like this.

In earlier times a separate update repo wasn’t really necessary anyway, as new Factory packages got published immediately without upfront testing. So any security bug fix ended up in the standard Factory repo immediately.
But now, with all the testing, it can happen that Factory will not be published for days (or even weeks…) if there are problems, so critical security fixes might be blocked, as was the case with that bash vulnerability. That’s why the additional update repo makes sense now, to push through important security fixes immediately regardless of the current state of Factory, and not break Factory user’s systems completely by publishing a broken snapshot just because there’s a critical security issue. (but then, a system that doesn’t boot probably is the most secure… :stuck_out_tongue: )