network trouble on 13.1 / msi gt60 2pc apache

Well, after nVidia declared legacy my graphic card, I hurried to sale my laptop still getting enough money :slight_smile:
My new laptop:

  • msi gt60 2pc apache
  • newcpu core Intel i7
  • GTX850M / Intel, powered with Optimus (Bumblebee) technology.

Now my problem:
By 3 different installation attempts I got always:

  • LAN: Attansic Ethernet controller, pci, called “enp0s20u1u2u2” instead eth0
  • WLAN: Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160, pci, Intel Corporation, called “wlp5s0” instead wlan0

Possibly that could cause the following inconvenient:

  • being asked for the passfrase on every boot
  • being forced to use a NAT connection under VMPlayer, being vmnet0 “temporarly disconnected”. Reinstalling didn’t help.

Is there a way to force conventional names for network devices?
(As consequence, the Gigabit lan adapter which I use registers with the funny name “enp0s20u1u2u2” rotfl!)

Thanks in advance!


[PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames](http://Predictable network interface)

And welcome to the wonderful world of systemd ;).

thanks jetchisel! I understand that the existence of multifunctional pci devices forced a new and much complex nomenclature. A superficial code inspection shows how names are constructed, however everything is explained on the begin as comment.I understand that anyway I couldn’t build more appropriate names. And so what now? Should we all live with devilspie + xdotool on startup, or look for other distributions where the network manager snaps correctly the wireless new names? Well, I have a backup from the initial installation stage with no wlan configuration. Don’t think badly about such backups, I am very suse confiant, I use suse as my OS since 9.3: but you know certainly that then we had to load into the kernel windows wireless drivers :’(
Well, I will also take a look on kubuntu and I will let you know. Tanks again.

OK, now everything seems to work!
Like already written, I have a backup from my raw install. This time (fourth attempt!) my wifi installed properly, and also my lan. I called them respectively Geraldine and Daphne.
Of course only in my head lol!
I didn’t do anything of special, just plain install. With the wifi properly installed also vmnet0 installed properly and subsequently the bridged connection. The problem was by my provider: they were making the maintenance and during a couple of days the wlan was coming and going: mostly I was providing the passfrase and the wifi was instead dead!
Again thanks for your help, it made me possible to understand immediately what was going on.


Since the introduction of systemd 197 the default policy will now name interfaces based closer to kernel-internal device identification schemes.
The following different naming schemes for network interfaces are now supported by udev natively:

  1. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided index numbers for on-board devices (example: eno1)
  2. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided PCI Express hotplug slot index numbers (example: ens1)
  3. Names incorporating physical/geographical location of the connector of the hardware (example: enp2s0)
  4. Names incorporating the interfaces’s MAC address (example: enx78e7d1ea46da)
  5. Classic, unpredictable kernel-native ethX naming (example: eth0)

**How to change the default “Predictable Network Interface Name”]( with your own “Device Name” using Yast


  1. Navigate to Yast -->Network Devices -->Network Settings
  2. Select on the Overview tab
  3. Click on the Global Options tab and select “Traditional Method with ifup”
  4. Click on the Edit button
  5. Select the Hardware tab and click on the Change button
  6. In the Device name field, replace the old name “enp0s20u1u2u2” with “eth0”