Network install through proxy


I need to test opensuse 11 server with Domino8 server.
So, I want to test in Vmware.
I downloaded the network install CD.
I tried to find a documentation but all I found is installation doc withour proxy ???

So my problem is that I can’t install opensuse.
Here what I did during installation process :
1 select http as network protocol
2 dhcp = yes
3 ip of http server =
Never ask me for proxy si install crash
3a ip =
4 server directory = distribution/11.0/repo/oss
5 need pwd and user for htpp server proxy = no
6 do u want use a proxy = yes
7 enter proxy ip
8 enter proxy port
9 do you need proxy authentication = yes
10 enter proxy user name
11 at this point, opensuse ask me for Proxy server ip but it seems to be proxy user password because characters are hiden (stars) !!
At this point the installation begins.
12 settings of language and keyboard + licence
13 system test = YAST2 error :
unable to create repository from http://195
Error 407

I tried a lot a thing but never succeed.

Can someone help me ?



I’ve getting the same fault installing opensuse 11 from network install cd. Enter my proxy details and get as far as selecting language etc then 407 error same as Lemmy78.

Assistance in this matter would be most appreciated! :slight_smile:



OK I’ve got a work around, put the DVD iso on a samba share and point the installer to that. Worked for me.