Network DHCP problem.

My problem is that i don’t get connection in my notebook using suse 11.

I have a modem speedstream 4200 and a hub. The modem is connected with a PC that has windows and the hub provide connection access to other PCs.

My ethernet board was detected with sucess by suse. But my notebook (with suse) cannot connect to internet. In the network configuration i didn’t change anything. The configuration is automatic with DHCP.

Sorry for my english. I hope that you understand my problem.

Thanks =)

On 10/08/2008 pghilardi wrote:
> I have a modem speedstream 4200 and a hub. The modem is connected
> with a PC that has windows and the hub provide connection access to
> other PCs.

Not sure if it works with a hub. IMO a switch is required. Can you please connect the Linux box directly to the speedlink?
Now open a console, become root (su) and check the output of “ifconfig”
