Network Bridge-Windows to Linux

I am BRAND new to OpenSuse. I am a student and I was installing opensuse to try and get a leg up on the class I am taking in the fall. The Netgear wireless adapter I purchased does not have a driver for Linux so I opted to create a bridge between my windows machine and my Linux machine. I have the bridge set up on the windows side but I am CLUELESS to the Linux side. Would anyone like to take a min and help me get started. Thanks so much!! :slight_smile:

I suggest you need to post more information.

  1. openSUSE version and if 32 or 64 bit
  2. Desktop that you are using like KDE or Gnome
  3. Computer Make and Model
  4. Exact Model of Wireless adapter
  5. By Bridge, is this a software or hardware connection to the Windows machine and if hardware, what hardware?

Thank You,

I should rephrase my first statement. I am new to IT in general so I hope my answers are what you are looking for.

64 Bit
HP Pavillion
Netgear WNDA3100v2 I contacted Netgear for the adapter and they said they don’t support Linux
As for the Bridge-My Windows PC is connected wirelessly but my HP does not have a wireless card. I ran a crossover cable from the windows PC to the Linux machine. A professor of mine told me that should work

Thanks for your help. I feel silly by knowing so little on here.

OK, so the Windows machine would have to be doing internet connection sharing out its hard wired network and you would need to configure both the Windows and openSUSE computers network connection for a fixed IP address on the same subnet and using a cross over cable between PC’s. You would most likely need to setup the same DNS servers that Windows is detecting in Linux. In this setup, all of the work is on the Windows computer. If you can not get another Windows laptop to work with a fixed IP connected in the same way, Linux is not going to work either. The network adapter “Netgear WNDA3100v2” I have been told by a Kernel Developer is never going to work in Linux. Let me also say that for not so much money, you can buy and ship over the internet an adapter that does work with Linux. You can just search on “Linux compatible USB to Wireless network adapters” and find numerous hits. FInd one you can afford tonight. See if it has any reviews from a Linux user. If it does, buy it tonight and before you get that network cable to work with Windows, the working adapter will likely show up. I have found using Linux compatible hardware to be a lot less trouble than any rig job you can put together. Its just my opinion on the subject, of course.

Thank You,

Found one for $15! Thanks. I assumed I would end up paying as much for a new one as I did or this one. Thanks for your help! :slight_smile: I am sure I will run into you again sometime as I start using OpenSuse! :slight_smile:

You are very welcome and welcome to the openSUSE forums! If you need any help, you only need to ask. Once you get (your network) up and running, have a look at my blog here: openSUSE 12.2 Bash Script Download Bonanza! with Bash Script Loader - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

@jadrichardson -
welcome to openSUSE

Once you got the network working in openSUSE ,do this to play your videos
1-click-collection - openSUSE Community Wiki
and then

Learn zypper

Read the book
openSUSE 12.3: Start-Up

This will show you how: openSUSE ICS: Internet Connection Sharing (Linux IP Masquerading) with Suse or Windows Servers
Look closely at the sections Windows Server and OpenSUSE Client