nepomuk and .odt or .pdf files

Hi everyone

A quick question : I managed to get nepomuk and strigi running (at least so says the system config -> advanced tab -> desktop search window). Strigi built a database for the specified folders, but when I type “nepomuksearch:/XX” in Dolphin, I get strange results :

I get all the files with XX in the file’s name, all the .doc, .rtf, .txt files containing XX, but not the .odt or .pdf containing XX (as if they were not properly indexed).

Any ideas how to fix this ?

Thanks in advance,


not sure about .odt but for PDF text may not be searchable depending on how the PDF was built.

Thanks for the reply !

I forgot to mention that the software “recoll” works like a charm with all those pdt and odt files. So I doubt that the problem lies with the pdf files …