Need to access network during build

I am trying to build envoy proxy on OSC (personally, not official build). The build process uses Bazel, which needs to access internet to download a lot of dependencies during the build. Existing builds for envoy proxy use obs-service-bazel_workspace service to generate a vendor.tar.gz, which contains a lot of dependencies in terms of repository_cache of Bazel. However, it doesn’t work for the latest version of envoy proxy, which requires downloading some Python dependencies from pip, which is not cached as repository_cache by Bazel.

I’d like to know if there is a way to allow accessing the internet during the build? If not, does it mean there won’t be up-to-date envoy proxy builds on OSC from now on?

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I’d like to know if there is a way to allow accessing the internet during the build?

If the question is about - no, there is not. You will need to use services to prepare everything before build is launched.