Need suggestions for CD/DVD Labeling application to use with LaCie (lightscribe).


I’d need your suggestions for application to use with LaCie (LightScribe Labeling application). It takes PNG images for printing. I’ve managed to make my DVD Label with InkScape, but it is daunting process. On Windows there’s application called “LightScribe Simple Labeler”. You just enter your text, and it wraps text around center of a CD/DVD (sorry English is not my native), I’ve managed to do the same with InkScape, to wrap text around circle, but it takes some time.
I’ve tried one application "glabels-3 " it has some templates for CD’s but It does not wrap text around.

Essentially, I thought may be there is some application which would make the job easier. Could you share experience with LaCie, how you are doing LightScribe labels.


There is a Lacie light scribe product for GNU/Linux : LaCie - LightScribe Labeler for Linux

I can’t recall if it supports wrap around, but I would not be surprised to learn it does not (if that is the case).

Its been over 2 years (almost 3) since I last used the Lacie software. Its ok, I burned some images with it, but frankly, I am very disappointed with light scribe technology. The lightscribe compatible CD/DVDs are hard to find in our local shops and they are also expensive. And I find it takes an EXCESSIVE amount of time to burn a CD/DVD with a lightscribe label. Plus the end result is in essence only different shades in one colour.

I purchased an HP printer capabile of printing on CDs, and I stictly now use that. It prints faster and the CD/DVDs look significantly better. I would not go back to lightscribe.

I should add there are some dated instructions here (LightScribe for Linux — Fedora Unity Project) which were for Fedora, but if you replace yum with zypper (together with a modification to the various arguments) than that may serve as a guide for openSUSE also.

Oldcpu, Thank You for suggestions, and a link,

I’ve had no trouble installing and using LaCie, just creating an PNG image to use with it. I’ve used InkScape with satisfactory result. I’ve been looking into DVD printing capable printer, but cannot find any for a good price here in UK (May you share what HP model you’ve bought?). It just so happens I’ve bought 25 Light Scribe capable disks jut to try out. Yes it takes 15 min to scribe one DVD, but it’s still much better than my handwriting with a marker, even in gray-scale.

Thanks again,

I have an HP C309a All-In-One Premium Photosmart printer. There is a pix of it here: Connecting openSUSE to an HP wireless printer - Blogs - openSUSE Forums … it has a separate tray for printing on CDs. But I doubt that one can find this printer in the stores anymore as it is not a new printer.

I typically print from Gimp on to a printable CD. But I doubt that would work with Lightscribe.

I have the following rpms loaded on my 12.1/KDE 4.8.2 x86_64 machines:


I usually use gimp to create PNGs for 4L.
the basic Lightscribe Simple labeler will create very basic “wrap around” text.

One or the other get the job done, but certainly not as elegant as some of the Windows based labelers.

Search around the net for CD label art, then use Gimp or inkscape to modify it.

Both these apps work well here in SuSE

It seems I’ve missed Simple Labeler rpm at Lightscribe site. Thanks, that’s what I wanted in first place. I’m not very good with InkScape or GIMP, but if I’ll want something fancy I’ll try them out. For now Simple Labeler is just what I need.

One question, I’ve read somewhere that you need to launch lightscribe applications under root, is it true? It seems a bit dangerous.


On 2012-04-23 10:36, ugnius40 wrote:
> One question, I’ve read somewhere that you need to launch lightscribe
> applications under root, is it true? It seems a bit dangerous.

If you need to write to a DVD, yes, you need to do so as root. If you
launch k3b you will see that part of it is running as root.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Carlos - you answer confuses me a bit - I run Lightscribe Simpler Labeler from a Desktop Folder icon as** user **and I don’t think K3b gets involved, although it may be in the background, I suppose. And, I believe, writing the Lightscribe side is CD/DVD agnostic.

My user account is a member of the cdrom group - perhaps that is needed to avoid involving root?

The application installs into /opt/lightscribeApplications/…
I installed so long ago I sort of forget where I got the .desktop file from that I have, I may have created it.
I don’t see a .desktop file provided by either of the RPMs.

(PS I am running KDE, not sure how Gnome would be setup)

Anyway, here it is

carl@PVE-LinuxSRV5:~> cd ~/Desktop
carl@PVE-LinuxSRV5:~/Desktop> ll
total 280
-rwxr-xr-x 1 carl users  342 Sep 17  2011 LaCie4L.desktop
-rwxr-xr-x 1 carl users  621 May  2  2011 Lightscribe SimpleL.desktop
carl@PVE-LinuxSRV5:~/Desktop> cat Light*

[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Create professional labels on your DVDs.
Comment=Create professional labels on your DVDs.
GenericName[en_US]=DVD Label Making Program
GenericName=DVD Label Making Program
Name=Lightscribe SimpleLabeler Linux

carl@PVE-LinuxSRV5:~/Desktop> cat LaCie*
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name=LaCie Lightscribe Linux
GenericName=DVD Label Making Program
Comment=Create professional labels on your DVDs.
Icon=/home/carl/Documents/SuSE System Setup cjm/LightScribeIconsm.png

I also show my Lacie .desktop file, which I am more certain I created.
I know I had to create the icon, it is HERE if you want to use it.

Both run as user, as least they used to.
I’d rather not waste a disc trying, but will if you run into issues.

On 2012-04-23 16:46, cmcgrath5035 wrote:
> Carlos - you answer confuses me a bit - I run Lightscribe Simpler
> Labeler from a Desktop Folder icon as* user *and I don’t think K3b gets
> involved, although it may be in the background, I suppose. And, I
> believe, writing the Lightscribe side is CD/DVD agnostic.

I simply gave you an example of a typical software that although it runs as
user it has parts that run as root.

Looking at the desktop files will tell you nothing. There are several
tricks to achieve this; one is having the binary made SUID. Another is
using policy kit. Another is belonging to the group that can write to the
device, sometimes this is enough.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Carlos - OK, understand.

Desktop files are for use if desired, they are not provided by the RPMs, for those who like icon based startup.

ugnius40 - Try adding yourself (your user id) to group cdrom.
I use YAST:Security and Users:User and Group Management
That will likely solve any run-as-root issues, at least obvious ones.
As Carlos points out, implicit run as root may be a side effect of being a member of that group, bu

On 2012-05-08 11:56, Max5678 wrote:
> I see you, cause I had a same problem the other day. But, I had it with
> cd label
> software this program.:frowning:

Please do not use PHP tags to post links. They break.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

As best I can quickly tell, the program you indicated is windows only.
Also, on quick look, it is for printer output, not Lightscribe.
If your really want/need to run it on SuSE, I suppose it might run with Wine.
I can’t help with that, but suggest you start a new thread as Wine has a whole different set of potential issues.

I am not aware of any CD/DVD label graphics programs for Linux, but have not really looked very hard either.

On 2012-05-08 15:16, cmcgrath5035 wrote:
> I am not aware of any CD/DVD label graphics programs for Linux, but
> have not really looked very hard either.

I used one years ago, but I don’t remember the name. I thought it could be
glabel, but it doesn’t look it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)