Novice linux user. Just switched from ubuntu to suse. trying to figure out my options for mouse gestures. I used easystroke on ubuntu, and it worked well enough to be functional. I triend opening Xstroke in suse, but it just adds an icon down by the notification panel. right click and left click seem to turn it on and off, but i’ve yet to find any configuration menu of any kind. I’ve also found the ‘input actions’ section of the personal settings menu, but i’m having a hard time making heads or tails of it.
Basically, what I need is pretty simple. I have a single application that I would like to add more control functionality through the mouse. I don’t even necessarily need gesture control, in fact if i could just make my extra mouse buttons perform specific keyboard commands (F11, ctrl++, etc.) that would be fantastic. If I could set it to do different things on different programs, great. Any ideas? remember, I’m a noob! thanks!