need help with NIC issues.

For some reason i have random NICs not working under OpenSUSE. I can see the NICs and configure them in yast but when i plug them in they dont establish a link. The NICs that support wake on LAN also dont wake up when i send magic packets. Even though i manually make sure they are set using ethtool.

Both these NICs dont make a link when plugged in.
Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller Makes a link when PC is turned off
QLogic LOM8214 1/10GbE Controller (x8 card getting 8 lanes) Doesnt make a link (switch is totally fine) using SFP+ direct.

The mellanox SFP+ NIC i have doesnt seem to support wake on LAN and the qlogic card i have only supports wake on LAN on 1 interface. Both 10Gb/s cards boot during bios and can be accessed, configured and commands run on it.

Are you using wicked? If so, please show us the working configuration(s) in /etc/sysconfig/netework/ifcfg-* for each device concerned.

Both these NICs dont make a link when plugged in.

Assuming the cable is verified as ok…

Also assuming wicked, examine/capture the output from the following command when cable plugged in…

sudo journalctl -fu wicked

For NetworkManager use…

sudo journalctl -fu NetworkManager

Both these NICs dont make a link when plugged in.

There’s not even lights blinking when you plug the cable in? This might help us understand if the problem is on layer 1/2 or 3… Are these NICs installed on the same machine?

Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller Makes a link when PC is turned off

Just to clarify… the NIC makes a link ONLY when PC is turned off or it also work when its on?

QLogic LOM8214 1/10GbE Controller (x8 card getting 8 lanes) Doesnt make a link (switch is totally fine) using SFP+ direct.

Doesn’t make a link when PC is turned off or on? or the link doesn’t happen on both situations?

When you have an Ethernet cable plugged in, report back with output (speed, duplex, link status) from ethtool eg

ethtool eth1