Need Help Finding A Compatible 802.11 AC USB WiFi Adapter That Works With OpenSUSE


Trying to find an:
802.11 AC USB WiFi adapter
that works with openSUSE Tumbleweed.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Let me know, thanks!


Have a look online at thepihut

They are all great usb devices that work OOTB


Looked at “The Pi Hut”, sold out of what I was looking for.

I settled for below:

I was not looking for AC(my mistake), but was really looking for 5.8GHz.
(it’s for my city-wide free WiFi - a backup when landline dies)



Choose ones with Realtek, Intel or Broadcom chips.

Why not Qualcomm? They should support wifi up to 6 (ax)?

Qualcomm - Atheros Wi-Fi: have no experience with it. Maybe can work.