Need C/C++ compilers and make

I have just installed openSUSE from the 64 bit Live CD KDE 4 image. I run it under VirtualBox on my Intel Mac. As far as I can see, this installation does not contain any development tools like C, C++ or make. Right? What should I do to get that? Is it just a question of installing the right packages, using the package Installer? I could need some info on which packages I should pick.
The stuff I’d like to compile and build are “Six”, a Hex board game (Six - A Hex playing program for KDE), and a Hex proof tree viewer (7x7 Solution Proof). The latter requires Qt.

Jon Kleiser

Hash: SHA1

Yast: Software: Software management

Choose to search by Patterns, and add the C/C++ Tools. You can also
search individual packages and search for ‘gcc’ and ‘make’ and the like…

Good luck.

Jon Kleiser wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed openSUSE from the 64 bit Live CD KDE 4 image. I
> run it under VirtualBox on my Intel Mac. As far as I can see, this
> installation does not contain any development tools like C, C++ or make.
> Right? What should I do to get that? Is it just a question of installing
> the right packages, using the package Installer? I could need some info
> on which packages I should pick.
> The stuff I’d like to compile and build are “Six”, a Hex board game
> (‘Six - A Hex playing program for KDE’ (, and a
> Hex proof tree viewer (‘7x7 Solution Proof’
> ( The latter requires
> Qt.
> Sincerely,
> Jon Kleiser
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I just “installed” make with yast, but when I go to use it ie.;

make install etc

it says

bash: make: command not found

what am I doing wrong?

You can just try adding C/C++ stuff by choosing search by Pattern in YaST, and add the C/C++ Tools. Check if this will help. In opensuse there are also development tools for C/C++ - one is monodevelop (which can be installed from YaST - > Package Groups → Programming → monodevelop ) and the other is eclipse( home). I think monodevelop get installed when you choose to install C/C++ Development from YaST. Eclispse you will have to install yourself. These tools are very handy even for compiling, executing and making “make” files…