Nautilus & GPG

Since I upgraded to openSUSE 11.3 the Encrypt option no longer shows up when I right click on a file. How do I get it back?

GnuPG2 shows to be installed. I can decrypt files by double clicking on them and entering the passphrase.


More Information:

Seahorse is installed on both computers along with gpg2. The Encrypt option is available and works in Nautilus on #2 (clean install of openSUSE 11.3) but not on #1 (Upgrade to openSUSE 11.3 from 11.0).


I’d forgotten about that. I don’t have it in oS 11.3 and GNOME 2.32, but I’ve always used the terminal anyway. Try

gpg -er <recipient> filetoencrypt

Yes. Almost anything can be done in the terminal.

But if openSUSE is ready for Prime Time (and I think it is) competition with Windows, having to tell folks how to do it in terminal or from the command line is a setback. If it can’t be done from the GUI, preferably with the mouse, it is simply unavailable to the everyday computer user. They notice and Linux remains the geek’s private domain.

Somebody is going to give Microsoft a run for their money one of these days. I’d rather see Euro-centric Linux do it than have the competition come from India or China. It is worth noting that Microsoft became a mega-presence and got rich in Personal Computing by making it affordable and useful to the masses. Only then did they close up, raise prices, get smug and overbearing and go into defensive mode. Microsoft hasn’t been really on the cutting edged since NT and Windows 2000. They are now what IBM and Bell Labs were in 1980 - ripe for a fall.

Hopefully, open source will take their place. But for that to happen, the developers are going to have to do two things: 1) cater to masses of ignorant users and 2) rally around a visionary business leader. Neither is going to be easy.

Forgive the rant.
