mysterious bar at top of 4th desktop

hello people.
…there is a mysterious panel-like bar at the top of my 4th desktop, and only my 4th desktop.
i cant click on it, i cant move it, nothing pops up when i hover over it.
its just there.

does anyone know what this is about?
and, more importantly, does anyone know how to get rid of it?!?!

thanks, folks.

How about a screen shot

here is a pic of what i’m talking about:](

It looks like a panel
Right click and unlock widgets

Can you now right click this top panel and select delete?

it LOOKS like a panel (lol)
but it is not acting like a panel.
…i’ve tried that already. widgets locked, unlocked, the thing is just there. no clicking from any of my clickers will do anything. it seems to be locked on top of everything, as nothing lights up beneath it.
again, i cant click on it with neither the left nor right. hovering over it wont give a popup of any kind. and unlike my actual panel (hidden in the pic), it is only present on my 4th desktop.
i noticed it earlier, and restarted the cpu thinking it would disappear. but, it hasnt left…

Are you using the Containment desktop and different activities on each desktop?
If you zoom out can you click to configure this 4th desktop?

If you are getting lost and or frustrated I can give you a command to clear the desktop settings, just the desktop mind.

no. everything remains consistent throughout all of the desktops. with the exception of that mysterious bar, everything else seen in the screenshot is on all of the other desktops.

excuse me. i do have it set to default desktop containment.
however, as i said in the previous post, everything is the same for all desktops except for that bar.

Try plain desktop, see if it’s different.
More or less it’s just a matter of figure it out.

…nah. changing the setting did nothing but resize my widgets.

yeah. i’m getting the feeling that mine is the only computer in the Op.Su. world with this issue.
i.e., i gotta figure this out. like you said.
…thanks for your help.

and thanks in advance to anyone who figures this out before i do.


so, somehow there was a firefox window that was lingering in space. for whatever reason, it concretized itself into the 4th window. i have no idea why i could do nothing to or with it, why it was unclickable or unmovable.
i discovered it by digging through the system monitor. that was one of the first things i did when i first noticed the issue; however, i initially overlooked the ‘open’ firefox (although i closed the firefox window that was clickable)
all i did was kill process.
issue resolved.


sabaka wrote:
> overlooked the ‘open’ firefox, although i closed the firefox window
> that was clickable. all i did was kill process. issue resolved.

very interesting!
did you notice if it was listed as a zombie?
