MySQL Tutorial

Is there good tutorial for MySQL that would permit a novice to install the package and get going under suse 11.0?

You don’t need a tute to do that. MySQL is provided by OpenSUSE in the repos (on DVD/CD or online). Just use YaST to search, select and install MySQL packages. Then use YaST to enable the service to start at boot time.

At the risk of teaching grandmother to suck eggs:

The default installation has two hosts: localhost and the HOST_NAME of your installation.
To assign passwords to the root user on each host, enter
SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@‘localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘password’);
replacing ‘HOST_NAME’ with the hostname of your installation.
By using the PASSWORD( ) function, you ensure that the passwords are encrypted.
From here on, whenever you wish to log on as root, log on using
mysql -u root -p
and MySQL will prompt you for your password which will not appear on the screen.

Retaining the anonymous users makes it easy for you, and for anyone else, to connect to
your database from OpenOffice or any other program that can access MySQL databases
but makes all your databases vulnerable. If you choose to retain either anonymous user,
you should assign passwords to them with
SET PASSWORD FOR ‘ ’@‘localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘password’);
replacing ‘HOST_NAME’ with the hostname of your installation. Otherwise you should
delete the anonymous users
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = ‘ ’;
FLUSH PRIVILEGES ensures that the changes take effect immediately and not when Linux is rebooted which could be a very long time in some cases, leaving the anonymous users open for anyone to use.

Did a quick google search and there’s load’s to read.
phpmyadmin is great for managing mysql
