mysql error: Table 'simple_invoices.si_defaults' doesn't existDude,

super novice here, I’ve installed lamp and an application called simpleinvoices. After installation and setup I go to localhost/simpleinvoices. Everything looked fine. Webpage with buttons to install than update… It shows this: (I’ve only copy+pasted first 10 patches… there are just over 250 patches though.)

**Simple Invoices :: Database Upgrade Manager

Your version of Simple Invoices has been upgraded

With this new release there are database patches that need to be applied

**|The list below describes which patches have and have not been applied to the database, the aim is to have them all applied. If there are patches that have not been applied to the Simple Invoices database, please run the Update database by clicking update|

SQL patch 0, Start has already been applied in release 20060514
SQL patch 1, Create sql_patchmanger table has already been applied in release 20060514
SQL patch 2, Update invoice no details to have a default currency sign has already been applied in release 20060514
SQL patch 3, Add a row into the defaults table to handle the default number of line items has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 4, Set the default number of line items to 5 has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 5, Add logo and invoice footer support to biller has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 6, Add default invoice template option has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 7, Edit tax description field lenght to 50 has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 8, Edit default invoice template field lenght to 50 has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 9, Add consulting style invoice has not been applied to the database
SQL patch 10, Add enabled to biller has not been applied to the database


Than I click the update button and recieve the following errror.

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘simple_invoices.si_defaults’ doesn’t existDude, what happened to your query?:

ALTER TABLE si_defaults ADD def_number_line_items INT( 25 ) NOT NULL

Any idea on where to look or how to fix this?

My guess is you need to create the database and proper access fist.

BTW: I see ‘release 20060514’, quite sure that means something …

Ok, going to try change permissions.

Have to disappoint you: the project seems dead.

OK that would make sense. Thank you for your help! I’ll look for alternatives.

osfinancials ?
Dolibarr ?