MySQL 5.0 to 5.1 upgrade failure

Running a Suse L.A.M.P. stack:

  • Linux: openSUSE 10.3
  • Apache 2.2.11
  • MySQL 5.0.45
  • PHP 5.2.9

Yast->Software Management informed me that I could upgrade MySQL from 5.0.45 to 5.1.33. Nice, I thought.

Ran the upgrade, rebooted, and lost most points-of-access to MySQL. In Yast -> System -> System Services, MySQL is listed as enabled=Yes* (Simple Mode) and running=No (Expert Mode). Starting the service from here didn’t work (says it starts, but nothing works)

‘/etc/init.d/mysql start’ states ‘started’ (when run as root, didn’t try as a user)

Using MySQL Administrator or Query Browser fails to access MySQL at all. Any PHP-MySQL page fails to access the database.

However, I CAN run ‘mysql -u root -p’ from the command line and get in, poke around, etc. No access problems here (unless, of course, I run ‘/etc/init.d/mysql stop’).

I tried running ‘mysql_upgrade’ and ‘mysql_fix_*’ only to get access-related errors.

Most error messages cycle around “Access denied for… (using password = NO)”.

Totally lost,

No, not nice, because there is certainly no officially supported version for 10.3.

So whatever you installed is not supported and using such stuff on a productive server machine is not recommended.

The package is coming from:
Index of /repositories/server:/database/openSUSE_10.3

I was assuming it is fine to use this repository… should I not be using it?

or is this more down the road of a bug? or does this happen when going from 5.0 to 5.1 and I need to (re)configure my system?

Thanks for the quick reply!

No, this is not an official repository.

If you suspect a bug, file a bug report with complete information (version, logs and error messages) here:

Akoellh wrote:
> No, this is not an official repository.
> If you suspect a bug, file a bug report with complete information
> (version, logs and error messages) here:

So how does one distinguish an “official” repository, especially when
they’re on the site? How can one know what’s actually safe
to install and in what repositories ‘Thar be dragons’…

Kevin Miller
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent poll, seven out of ten hard drives preferred Linux.

Very simple.

Package Repositories - openSUSE

Akoellh wrote:
> Very simple.
> ‘Package Repositories - openSUSE’
> (

Thanks. Multiple repositories are a bit of a mixed blessing. Lots more
packages to choose from, but sometimes they cause weird dependency
issues. I pared it down to the official ones…


Kevin Miller
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent poll, seven out of ten hard drives preferred Linux.