my first linux windows xp dual boot review

Since I am a total noob when it comes to Linux (at least I was 2 weeks ago) and had
to learn from scratch, I wanted to share the problems and solutions I had to overcome
during installation.

for a starting Linux-user sometimes it is frustrating to understand what is out
there (ex: took me 3 days after I figured out what the ‘shell’ was, let alone use it)
so, without the help of this forum I wouldn’t have come very far and what better
explanation for other noobs than from a noob

Mind you, I will not get into the difference between the linux versions, kde vs gnome (I use Gnome),
define jargon, etc…
to keep it simple I’ll keep it short, in plain English.

here is my starting point:

  • a pc with windows xp sp3 (athlon 64 core duo 3800+, 2 gig RAM, 2 maxtor ATA hd’s 160GB one inside my pc, one dismounted and formatted from an other)

what I wanted:

  • linux and windows dualboot
  • keep windows and its files without re-installing windows
  • install linux on a separate disk (use 2 separate hard disks (hd) NO PARTITIONING!)

what I knew:

  • the meaning master-slave hardware config
  • what the ‘mbr’ is (master boot record)
  • why a system has to ‘boot’
  • definition of bios
  • the use of google

what I did:

  • burn the suse iso file to a dvd
  • burn supergrubdisk (sgd) to a dvd *1
  • mount my second hd, unplug my windows hd
  • unplug every usb device (memory sticks, external hd’s, printer, sdcard, usb hub, wireless networkusbstick… U name it)
  • install linux (remember the passwords) *3
  • re-connect my windows hd (set windows hd as master, linux hd as slave)
  • restart pc and boot from dvd station with sgd
  • read the info on the disk helpfiles
  • do not try to figure out the grub commands (something like DOS-commands or Linux Shell commands)
  • do not try to figure out shell commands
  • boot linux from the menu (the help file should point out the right selection)
  • when linux is booted open Yast -> system -> bootloader *2
  • click the ‘other’ button (the one above ‘OK’, my linux is in Dutch, so the name of the button can vary)
  • select propose new configuration, click ok, and reboot.

Things I should have done:

  • read everything on every site listed below (I didn’t and I’m sure you won’t do so either)
  • learn to work with shell
  • explored suse on a live cd and mess around.

From my experience i believe basic shell knowledge is necessary in linux. these steps above
only simplify all the stuff one can find on the net, and will probably only work on a
system setup similar to mine…

!don’t be fooled if you think this is a sure guide to make it more easy!

here are the most used webpages:
Learning the shell - Lesson 2: Navigation

Avoid pluging/unpluging, switching master/slave(IDE) or SATA ports before, during (lol) and after installing operating systems, whether Windows, Linux or anything else.

  • left your Windows HD plugged in as master
  • switched BIOS boot order so that the second HD will boot first (if your mainboard allows it)

thanks! It was a little unconventional indeed…Next time the installation will probably go a lot smoother!