my book is published!!

Hope I am not stepping on any toes here, I am just so happy that my book is finally published. Some of you folks may remember me from vir@s old forum, so this is pretty much a message for them.

It’s been awhile and I have been busy as heck. And for those who were able to read an early draft of the work, it’s been improved quite a bit.

anyway for all those I have not “seen” in awhile it’s good to be back.

you can check out the book here (and NO this isn’t spam, just ask andy and oldcpu…): Do You Believe In Witches?: Rene Trujillo: Books



Congratulations. That’s fabulous KS.

great news, KS

unfortunately, it’s not my type of books as it deals with religion and superstitions. I’ve read many such books and most offer nothing new (same old dogma), and I doubt yours is much different. Nevertheless, great work on your part!

I believe in ghosts and goblins, love and lust, and the deeeep darrrrk secrets. What would be the point of living if you couldn’t while away time in the vast caverns of your mind. All hail KeyserSuSE and the other shaman guardians, preservers of our spirits.

My wife believes in ghosts ! I’m not so sure about witches. :slight_smile:

In truth, I don’t think I really know what a witch is. … Good ? Bad ? Someone with extra knowledge that makes them seem almost super natural ? Some who has made a pact with unsavory powers? I really don’t know. :slight_smile:

But CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book published. Well done!!

was this meant to be sarcastic or do you really believe in such things? (ghosts, superstition, etc)

there is no need to insert the “point of living” in trying to justify superstitious believes. I can make the same fallacy as you. I “believe” in the flying spaghetti monster to be my guardian, yet I haven’t ever felt, seen or touched it in one way or another nor do I have any evidence for or against it. In such a situation, I tend to default to “the question is meaningless, unless evidence pops up for or against it”. I value logic far more than ancient superstitious beliefs about, for example, worshiping a “special” stone and believing that it somehow alters reality to your advantage, just because you worship it or have faith in it. A belief system does not have any effect on reality. That is, I can believe as much as possible that right now, a pink horse will pop out of nowhere and stare me right in my eyes, this won’t give it the possibility that it will actually happen.

And then you have to wonder about the differences between Witches, Pagans, Wiccans and Devil worshipers plus each has their own sub-groups (Greek Pagan, Celtic Pagan, etc.). Each confused with the other and each persecuted over time.

At least this is from what I’ve read so far. The book has me curious though since I know nothing of Ancient South America.

Congratz on getting your book done (and it’s not a technical one to boot :wink: )! It’s a lot of hard work to bring something artistic to completion!

didn’t i read somewhere that this forum is not for propagation or
discussion of either religion or politics?


I don’t have a closed mind about anything that my pathetically small intelligence cannot even begin to grapple with, like time, or life, or the supernatural or… Of course I believe in the supernatural. It would be gross arrogance for me to believe that what humans see as our everyday milieu of natural forces and interactions (the “natural”) was anything more that a wholly inadequate concept.

Edit: [of course, by supernatural I mean the dictionary definition, with no religious connotation at all]

Ding, ding, ding; we have a winner. Please let’s refrain from getting into the whole religious debate that it is starting to lean towards or the thread will end up getting shut down.

Congrats on getting your book published, the process to get to this point must have been a pain to get through but you made it.

Look carefully and you won’t see any discussion of religion so far. I’d be the first to complain about a religious discussion here because it causes disharmony. But the wonder of the roving mind and ancient traditions is valid topic IMO.

Just remember, this thread is about somebody who finished writing their book so in respect to that person’s accomplishment we should stay focused on that.

Now, if the conversation is to continue in another thread, please PM me because I would definitely be interested in contributing to that one!

Philosophy is only a hair’s breadth from Religion, that’s the trap to avoid.

I think it will be even grosser arrogance to believe that your own personal belief system somehow has an effect on the reality of “time” (which many people think is not fundamental but emerges only in a thermodynamical or statistical context, just as temperature is not fundamental but arises from the movements of subatomic particles). The fact that one at present time can’t prove or disprove something, should not give the possibility of inventing a wild story and then accepting it as absolute truth like many have done so, even though no one can prove/disprove it at present time. I will consider such things, but will not replace logical thinking with claims from people who can’t prove or disprove their “story”. There is a lot of ego tripping present in human species and somehow most if not all think that we are so wonderful and amazing that we are the center of all things, even though we have no clue as to what may be out there or not in distant places in the universe. Superstitious thinking has been shown to be an effect of human species which can benefit survival in the form of bonding with other groups/people who share similar believes, thus increasing strength/survival chances/etc. This however, does not prove that superstitious thinking holds any empirical truth when it comes to reality and its claims about it

Hey guys!
Glad to see all of you are still here.
Thank you so much for all your comments. One thing though I should clarify that the book really doesn’t deal with the dogmas of religion but a mysticism which is still so prevalent in Mexico, you have to understand that much of the traditions still practiced here are pre-columbian.

It is actually a “ghost” story (so simple to categorize it this way) which begins with the siege of Tenochtitlan by the Spanish and ends on the streets of present day Puerto Vallarta (The story travels the breadth and width of Mexico, both geologically and spiritually).

And though it delves into and comments on everything from the old religions of the mesoamerican cultures of the central valley of Mexico, to western philosophies inherited from foreign invaders,to beliefs which were born long ago in Africa (Santeria is second only to Catholicism, even Mexican presidents have sought the help of Santeros from time to time). . It is much more about the human condition and the protagonist’s struggle to regain both his heart and mind.

Just to put things in perspective, though many people, especially in the U.S., think of Mexico in two terms: Cancun and border violence, this culture is one which is directly descended from the native american cultures of old and not just primarily European cultures as is the case with the U.S.A. and Canada (Though I am sure Canadians from the Northern Provinces would beg to differ).
The mash of both European and Local beliefs have morphed into something which is uniquely Mexican.

Case in point, (perhaps this is a poor example), if you are traveling north to the U.S. border you can see an alter with a horrific image of the Santisima Muerte, an icon represented by a grim reaper on the side of the road where traffickers stop to ask help before their crossing into the U.S.! This is not to frighten you from ever visiting Mexico, it’s just that very, very old superstitions have survived and can be seen in plain site. In Europe there may be groups of people who make pilgrimages to Allistar Crowley’s Italian villa to seek the powers of Satan, but this is a belief akin to those who wear crystals and puts pyramids on their heads to communicate with U.F.Os.
Here, you don’t have to dig deep to find the fear and awe of old gods and demons still residing within the CONSCIOUS minds of people from all walks of life. The empires which once existed here were vast, and the oldest cultures that predated the Aztec and the Toltec appear to have had a sphere of influence which was just as extensive (if not more so) than that of the Roman Empire, an influence of beliefs which evolved independently in this hemisphere. This is what the book explores.

And unlike in Europe, where statistics show organized religion has lost sway over the populace, here it is very much alive and still competes with philosophies which were here long before the great pyramids of Teotihuacan were even built. A comparison would be like if Egyptians still practiced ceremonies to RA after attending a mosque today. Try to keep in mind the largest pyramids (not the tallest) were built here and not in Egypt.

You can still go to the central square and find the old women who sell the herbs used in poultices made from recipes thousands of years old which are supposed to cure everything from arthritis to loneliness. Though this may not be much different than what you would find in other parts of the world, the direct ancestors of these women (great-great grandmothers) were doing the same in the plaza mayor of Tenochtitlan.

At the heart of it, you could also say it’s a love story, but the book itself is much more than just “boy meets girl”.

It’s just a book to keep you up at night wondering whether or not that banging at a window downstairs is really just a shutter swinging back and forth in the wind, while still being intellectually stimulating enough to spark the imagination and educate.

The only reason why I have spent so many years on this is precisely because I wanted to create something quite different to what you would might find at your local bookstore. And though my background is in fine art, it was through painting the indigenous cultures of Mexico and learning of their traditions was I even able to bring this work to life.

Apologies for the run-on sentences! HAHA!

I am really happy for all your words of encouragement, I’ve missed you guys!


uggh, I wanted to make a couple of edits to the post above, but had to answer a call. Time limit is ten minutes to edit. Wanted to clarify as to what the book was about, it sounded as if I was directing it as an answer to MC. Not at all, just wanted people to understand what was at the core of the book. Plus I used the word European too much, didn’t mean it in the way that it may be misconstrued, I am thinking along the lines of the developed First world and philosophies which we associate with the term “western”.

Anyway don’t be to harsh on any grammitcal!

KeyserSuSE, sorry about the limited time for edits. I run across that quite often. I need to learn to pontificate less.

Hey Microchip, lets not turn this thread away from congratulating KeyserSuSE.

My view is sometimes the word “belief” is not in the physical belief, but in the results from those who do believe. Plus in fun we can say things about ghost, gooblins and things that are in fun, but not true beliefs. We really should start a separate thread on this in Chit Chat. We could have a lot of fun as long as no insults are thrown about.

A URL to ponder (as like Francis Pharcellus Church) I sort of believe in Santa Claus:
Newseum - Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

I did congratulate KS and was one of the very first to do so. Did you miss it?. I also pointed out the book itself is not relevant to my interest, nevertheless, he did a great job in publishing a book (it’s not easy). Swerdna quoted my reply and in turn, I quoted swerdna explaining my views on supernatural/superstition stuff

Congrats Rene!
How long have you been writing?
What was the process to get the book publish?
What is your background?
Where did you grow up?
Your name grab my curiosity . . .
Sincerely, Rene Angulo Trujillo ‘OtrO’ Angulo
artwork:Artbreak: SUNofMAN’s Profile

Congrats on getting it published. I am working on writing a book as well. Whether I ever get it published is another matter. I would be interested in checking out your book. I have a rather eclectic taste as far as subjects go.