Mute Volume in 13.1

I noticed that when I hit the Mute button on my keyboard and then try to restore sound, it doesn’t work, I get a ‘Line Out’ message. I must manually go into Volume controls to restore sound. FYI - I am running Gnome. Any ideas are appreciated.

Let me say that muting is working for me as expected in KDE, so this must be a GNOME issue. You can create a Bug report on the issue here:

You use your same forum login, try to gather as much technical info as you can to put in your bug report and make sure to do a search on the issue first in case the issue has already been reported. If you find an existing report, add your confirmation that the problem exists to that report. Come back here and give the bug number link so other can read about the issue. Your help in bug reports is very much appreciated.

Thank You,

I wish I knew what information is required to file a bug report, but I really know very little about Gnome. I chose it because I dislike KDE.

As for the bug report, no one is going to give you hard time for answering the report the best you can and in any event, you must start somewhere.

As for KDE/GNOME, I load both so I can use any GNOME app I want such as Totem video player for iTunes Movie Trailers and I can switch to GNOME to test my bash scripts. In the end, I do prefer the KDE desktop over GNOME, but it does not matter. We have choice with openSUSE and that is good to have.

Thank You,

Volume controls seemed to be working for me, but the volume buttons on the laptop don’t anymore since going on 13.1 any suggestions. I’m on KDE.