Hello everyone!
From time to time I download rar archives from the web. If there’s only a couple of files, you can do this by hand, but when it are a couple of 100 files, then it becomes a pretty hassle.
Now my other scripts are complete, and ready to use, I’ve wrote this script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use Getopt::Long;
sub MyExec {
my ($exe) = shift; my ($dbg) = shift; my $out = '';
if($dbg eq 1 ) { $out .= qq(Execute : $exe
); }
$out .= qx($exe);
return $out;
my $w = '';
my $pref = '';
my $pw = '';
my $pass = '';
my $nopass = 0;
my $tst = 0;
my $h = 0;
my $hlp = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $result = GetOptions ("pass|p=s" => \$w, "nopass|n" => \$nopass, "prefix|x=s" => \$pref, "help|h" => \$h, "debug|d" => \$debug, "test|t" => \$tst);
if ($h eq 1) {
print BOLD,"Usage: ",RESET;
print("urar -p password -p prefix -t
-p password of the extracted file(s).
if(($w eq '') && ($nopass eq 0)) {
print "No Password given. Please type password, (or just 'enter' for no pw) : ";
$pw = <STDIN>;
else { $pw = $w; }
if($pw ne '') { $pass = " -p".$pw; }
use File::Path;
my (@dir_contents);
my ($dir_to_open) = "./";
opendir(DIR,$dir_to_open) || die("Cannot open directory !
if($pref eq '') { @dir_contents = grep(/\.rar$/, readdir( DIR )); }
if($pref eq 'part1') { @dir_contents = grep(/\.part1.rar$/, readdir( DIR )); }
if($pref eq 'part01') { @dir_contents = grep(/\.part01.rar$/, readdir( DIR )); }
my $er_cnt = 0;
my $ok_cnt = 0;
my $fl_cnt = 0;
my @errfile = '';
if($tst eq 1) { print BOLD,"
Testing File :
",RESET; }
else { print BOLD,"
Extracting File :
",RESET; }
foreach my $file (@dir_contents)
print(" - ".$file."
my $nwfile = '';
($nwfile = $file) =~ s/\.rar$//;
eval { mkpath($nwfile) };
$file =~ s/(& ()\\]\'\"])/\\$1/g;
$nwfile =~ s/(& ()\\]\'\"])/\\$1/g;
my $output = '';
if($tst eq 1) { $output = MyExec("unrar t ".$pass." ".$file, $debug); }
else { $output = MyExec("unrar x ".$pass." ".$file." ".$nwfile, $debug); }
my $c = 1;
my $ok = 0;
foreach my $line (split /
]+/, $output) {
if($debug eq 1) { print qq(line $c : $line
); $c++; }
if($line eq 'All OK') { $ok = 1; }
if($ok eq 1) { $ok_cnt++; }
else { $er_cnt++; push(@errfile, $file); }
if($tst eq 1) { print BOLD,"
Files Tested : ",RESET; }
else { print BOLD,"
Files Extracted : ",RESET; }
print qq($fl_cnt
print BOLD,"
Files with CRC error : ",RESET; print qq($er_cnt
if($er_cnt > 0) {
print BOLD,"
Following files had an error : ",RESET;
foreach my $fil (@errfile) { print qq($fil
); }
How to use this:
Copy the code, and safe this in a file named: urar
Copy as root this file to: /usr/local/bin
Give it executable rights: chmod +x /usr/local/bin/urar
How to invoke:
Put all your rar files in one directory. If it is a multiple rar archive, with *.part1.rar for example, make shure that these archives are in separate directories. It’s not a problem to put more rar archives with *.part1.rar in one directory.
Now cd on your konsole to the directory where you have stored the files.
To extract type: urar
options are:
if the archives have all the same pw, you can use the -p option: -p pw_here
If you have forgotten to type a pw, you’ll be asked to type one. To circumvent this, use option: -n
For testing the archives, use option: -t
if you want extract archives with part1.rar in its name, use the option: -x part1
For files with part01.rar, use: -x part01
If you like to know what is happening use the option: -d
Hope you enjoy this script.
Best regards,