Multimedia restricted formats problem

Hi again.

I heard about another important problem. Seems the multimedia guide for 12.3 has some kind of errors because most of the packages it mentions have conflicts! I was told that by following the guide for 12.3 many packages conflicted or installed but not correctly, or kind of. And this happening either on GNOME and KDE. My friend (a 32-bit user) told me he first had to do the one-click way first, then open an iTunes trailer and see what missing packages it asked for, then install them with Yast Software Manager.

I must say, though, that I still haven’t installed 12.3, I’ll have no chance until next week…
Thanks anyway.

Go in for fresh install by retaining “home” folder.

How about you do a clean install
Run the multimedia from my guide and post the conflicts here
I have used it several times (no nearly a dozen times) with success.

Not even installed and you can say method x and z doesn’t work??? How did you get them for 12.2???

That’s what he heard and that’s what according to his friend.:slight_smile:

To the op, read the multimedia guide follow/write the complete needed application(packages)
add the main openSUSE packman repositories and install those packages using yast2 or zypper.
I don’t use the one click install so I can’t recommend it to you. With the above method I always get
my needed applications to work.

I regret having to raise this again.

Finally installed openSUSE 12.3 as stated in signature, and I confirmed what my friend told me. Though I just went following his method without having tried mr Caf’s tutorial first, I was able to see what errors my friend was talking about.

First I used the One-click method. Then I opened Apple Trailers site and opened a trailer. Result:
SUSE Paste
If I may clarify, this capture happened after the site asked me to install some missing packages, which were in fact the ones showed in the capture, but repeated several times with different version numbers.

So I just went install them with Software Manager, tried again Apple Trailers and this happened:
SUSE Paste
What I did was browsing for a mp4 video I had and trying to run it. Similar situation as the first one from Apple Trailers:
SUSE Paste
But since I had already installed gstreamer-plugins-bad (again, the repeated packages issue), I just installed gstreamer-plugins-libav. Then mp4 and Apple trailer worked.

A wmv asked me for gstreamer-plugins-ugly in the same way, which was apparently used also for avi videos because they ran without sound, but these ones only told me “couldn’t find the needed package”.

Mpg and mpeg videos seem to run but laggy and they **** when I load a different moment (i.e. if I rew or ff in the video).

Mpe videos just do this:
SUSE Paste

All these tests done with Totem, just so you know.

My current repositories are:

#  | Alias                      | Nombre                                            | Habilitado | Actualizar | Prioridad | Tipo   | URI                                                                      | Servicio
 1 | Ciencia                    | Ciencia                                           | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |         |         
 2 | Mozilla                    | Mozilla                                           | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |         |         
 3 | Nvidia                     | Nvidia                                            | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                 |         
 4 | Packman Repository         | Packman Repository                                | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                  |         
 5 | | BuildService de openSUSE - Revisiones CVS de Wine | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md | |         
 6 | libdvdcss repository       | libdvdcss repository                              | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                     |         
 7 | openSUSE-12.3-1.7          | openSUSE-12.3-1.7                                 | Si         | No         |   99      | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TSSTcorp_DVD+_-RW_TS-L632D,/dev/sr0   |         
 8 | repo-debug                 | openSUSE-12.3-Debug                               | No         | Si         |   99      | NONE   |           |         
 9 | repo-debug-update          | openSUSE-12.3-Update-Debug                        | No         | Si         |   99      | NONE   |                          |         
10 | repo-debug-update-non-oss  | openSUSE-12.3-Update-Debug-Non-Oss                | No         | Si         |   99      | NONE   |                  |         
11 | repo-non-oss               | openSUSE-12.3-Non-Oss                             | Si         | Si         |   99      | yast2  |             |         
12 | repo-oss                   | openSUSE-12.3-Oss                                 | Si         | Si         |   99      | yast2  |                 |         
13 | repo-source                | openSUSE-12.3-Source                              | No         | Si         |   99      | NONE   |          |         
14 | repo-update                | openSUSE-12.3-Update                              | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                                |         
15 | repo-update-non-oss        | openSUSE-12.3-Update-Non-Oss                      | Si         | Si         |   99      | rpm-md |                        |

I have detailed EVERYTHING I considered important even with screenshots. Let’s see if in order to get help I’m asked for more details…

What do you say about ALL this, huh?

Thank you.

I have to admit I have had trouble with this too
But I can’t pin it down to any one package.

I have it working here in KDE and did have it working in Gnome, but I don’t have the Gnome install right now.
But my KDE is using gnome apps and libs

Let me get you a list of my Packman packages
Ubuntu Pastebin
(strange susepaste thought I was a spammer)

Hi, I’m new to openSUSE, but I think I know the problem.

There’re two versions of gstreamer.

  1. old version -

gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ffmpeg - for .mp4

  1. new version


I think totem use the newer gstreamer, and one-click installer doesn’t include the newer version.

It’s true
You need both if using gnome or gnome apps
In kde you can use gecko-mediaplayer and just the old gstreamer stuff, but I find the quality in GMP not so good as the Totem plugin

I tried to add the packages in the zypper code for gnome in my guide](

  1. Yes, both gstreamer versions are listed in Caf’s guide. Already installed them.

  2. @Caf4926: By comparing your Ubuntu Paste and the packages in your guide, why libread3 instead of libread4? And why not libdvdcss2, totem-browser-plugin, x264, nor h264enc?

  3. Why mpe videos still doing that failure? Why mpg and mpeg still a bit choppy and ***** when tuning forward or backward?

  1. I do have


  1. let me see

Re 3

Where can I get one to try?

There is one package I can’t find in the newer gstreamer. It might be the reason, I don’t know.


It’s described as GStreamer plugins for aac, xvid, mpeg2, faad in Ubuntu. ( )

I don’t recall this ever in Packman

I just don’t know what the heck happened with this release of opensuse… Everything is 3 times more messed up than on 12.2…

Totem works with mp4,flv,mkv,xvid,. Even “sushi”(video preview nautilus) works well

$zypper se -i -d -s gstreamer*
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                                     | Type    | Version        | Arch   | Repository                        
i | banshee-backend-engine-gstreamer         | package | 2.6.0-51.7     | x86_64 | openSUSE BuildService - GNOME:Apps
i | farstream-data                           | package | 0.2.2-2.1.1    | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer                                | package | 1.0.6-3.1      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10                           | package | 0.10.36-11.5   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-fluendo-mp3               | package | 12-9.2.1       | x86_64 | Main Repository (NON-OSS)         
i | gstreamer-0_10-libnice                   | package | 0.1.3-2.1.1    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugin-crystalhd          | package | 3.5.40-13.1.1  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugin-esd                | package | 0.10.31-11.18  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugin-gnomevfs           | package | 0.10.36-9.18   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugin-gnonlin            | package | 0.10.17-15.1.1 | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad               | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-lang          | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | noarch | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-orig-addon    | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base              | package | 0.10.36-9.18   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-buzztard          | package | 0.6.0-7.16     | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ffmpeg            | package | 0.10.13-2000.2 | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-fluendo_mpegdemux | package | 0.10.71-2.2    | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-fluendo_mpegmux   | package | 0.10.4-46.2    | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-gl                | package | 0.10.3-5.1.1   | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-gl-lang           | package | 0.10.3-5.1.1   | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good              | package | 0.10.31-11.18  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-good-extra        | package | 0.10.31-11.18  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly              | package | 0.10.19-10.16  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-orig-addon   | package | 0.10.19-10.16  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-utils                     | package | 0.10.36-11.5   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-0_10-utils-unversioned         | package | 0.10.36-11.5   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-libnice                        | package | 0.1.3-2.1.1    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-plugin-gstclutter              | package | 2.0.0-1.1.2    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-plugins-bad                    | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-bad-orig-addon         | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-base                   | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-farstream              | package | 0.2.2-2.1.1    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | gstreamer-plugins-good                   | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-good-extra             | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-libav                  | package | 1.0.1-1.1      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-ugly                   | package | 1.0.6-2.4      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-plugins-ugly-orig-addon        | package | 1.0.6-2.4      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | gstreamer-utils                          | package | 1.0.6-3.1      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libclutter-gst-2_0-0                     | package | 2.0.0-1.1.2    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | libfarstream-0_2-2                       | package | 0.2.2-2.1.1    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | libgstapp-0_10-0                         | package | 0.10.36-9.18   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstapp-1_0-0                          | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstaudio-1_0-0                        | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstbasecamerabinsrc-0_10-23           | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0             | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstbasevideo-0_10-23                  | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstbasevideo-1_0-0                    | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstcodecparsers-0_10-23               | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0                 | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstfft-1_0-0                          | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstgl-0_10-1                          | package | 0.10.3-5.1.1   | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | libgstinterfaces-0_10-0                  | package | 0.10.36-9.18   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstpbutils-1_0-0                      | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstphotography-0_10-23                | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstphotography-1_0-0                  | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstreamer-0_10-0                      | package | 0.10.36-11.5   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstreamer-1_0-0                       | package | 1.0.6-3.1      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstriff-1_0-0                         | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstrtp-1_0-0                          | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstrtsp-1_0-0                         | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstsdp-1_0-0                          | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstsignalprocessor-0_10-23            | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstsignalprocessor-1_0-0              | package | 1.0.6-3.2      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgsttag-1_0-0                          | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstvdp-0_10-23                        | package | 0.10.23-19.20  | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | libgstvideo-1_0-0                        | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-ClutterGst-2_0               | package | 2.0.0-1.1.2    | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)             
i | typelib-1_0-Gst-0_10                     | package | 0.10.36-11.5   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0                      | package | 1.0.6-3.1      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0                 | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-GstInterfaces-0_10           | package | 0.10.36-9.18   | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0               | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0                   | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           
i | typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0                 | package | 1.0.6-2.3      | x86_64 | Packman                           

Everything namely …?

Well, if I told you…

Anyway, after doing yet another openSUSE clean install due to the ***** nvidia problem, I decided to give mr Caf’s guide a try. But instead of using console I tried doing everything through Yast Software Manager, installing each package one by one, including the one the guide is missing (gstreamer-plugins-libav, mr Caf…!!). Then applied switch to Packman repo (of course not before applying to my other repos) and rebooted.

Result: we got exactly to the same point. Well, at least no changes.
But I tried one last thing I hadn’t tried before: run the crappy videos with SMPlayer. The ran correctly this time.

Possible temporal conclusion: I still have the same symptoms I have had since 11.3 regarding multimedia codecs, probably due to x64 architecture, because my friend is a x86 user and he has NO problems with videos.

So it is not an issue with openSUSE itself which doesn’t ship any codecs/libraries because of obvious reasons. The only things the release goofed up was network is off during first boot and not adding users to “video” group,both of which i are minor hiccups. I am using 64 bit OS and i have all my videos working but i am using GNOME and i use the dreaded gstreamer:sarcastic: which is known to be whimsical in playing various media . Even Totem plays flv and mp4 on 12.3 which is cool. Totem refused to play mp4 and stuff on 12.2

I think the following package was the last one required for me to view h.264 video at iTunes which did not come in automatically as it used to do:

gstreamer-plugins-libav                  | package | 1.0.1-1.1      | x86_64 | Packman

Here is iTunes now:

I have also had issues with Flash as in ending up with two Flash providers which does not work. I removed the older flash version that was shown in Firefox. I seem to have video issues which required an update of the kernel version to get it to work. So, multimedia has been a bigger challenge in openSUSE 12.3 for me. This is my base gstreamer list at the moment:


Thank You,