Mouse for many working hours

Dear all,
I would like to buy a mouse to use at my work.

I want to it to slide easily in my mouse pad (mouse pad for optical mouse). ( I found my simple logitech model too slow).
Have two side keys (for back and forward in browsing). I prefer the second key to be to the right but this is minor.

I do not care too much about being wireless.

Something also important do you have something to suggest for supporting a bit more my wrist when using mouse?


Some months ago I started to have some wrist pain. My colleague sitting in front of me had the same.
We bought two vertical mouses from evoluent.
The pain went away.


Evoluent VerticalMouse, Vertical Mouse, ergonomic mouse, ergonomic computer mouse, computer mouse, optical mouse, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress disorder, RSI

The price is worth it !


I have a Dell mouse on my Desktop. I have a small Targus mouse on my laptop. And I have a larger Targus wireless mouse sitting, mostly unused, near my laptop.

The Dell mouse is large, and sometimes cause discomfort because of that. The small Targus mouse is quite small. It is the most congenial of the three that I have mentioned. I originally bought it because it was small enough to use with a laptop on my knee, and the space near the keyboard doubling up as a mouse pad. The wire for the mouse comes with a retractor that winds up the wire for packing away. I find it more pleasant to use than the touchpad. The only downside, is that this small mouse seems to fail after a couple of years of heavy use. Still, not too expensive, so not a big problem.

The wireless mouse is ok, except it is big. It isn’t quite as big as the Dell mouse, but almost as big. It looks as if a wireless mouse has to be big enough to hold the batteries, and that puts a limit on how small it can be.

My suggestion would be a small wired mouse, similar to the Targus. The one I have is no longer made, but I’m pretty sure that there’s a newer version as replacement. If you like it, then buy a spare to have handy in case it fails.

On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 09:56:03 +0000, alaios wrote:

> Something also important do you have something to suggest for supporting
> a bit more my wrist when using mouse?

I had a coworker several years ago who had wrist issues who switched to
using a trackball and he said that was much easier on his wrist than
using a mouse.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

How easy is to slide this mouse? It looks a bit bulky. Does it need also a mouse pad?


On 2012-01-12 19:50, Jim Henderson wrote:

> I had a coworker several years ago who had wrist issues who switched to
> using a trackball and he said that was much easier on his wrist than
> using a mouse.

I use both types, and I find the trackball easier, less “work”. But the
thumb suffers a bit.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I bought the vertical mouse version 3. It looks that one of the buttons , to the left side does not respond. How can I check if produces some valid key code?


alaios wrote:
> I bought the vertical mouse version 3. It looks that one of the buttons
> , to the left side does not respond. How can I check if produces some
> valid key code?

Run xev

I tried it and the two keys I would like to swap produce the following codes

ButtonPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2000001,
    root 0x156, subw 0x0, time 770949507, (6,68), root:(1104,91),
    state 0x10, button 8, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2000001,
    root 0x156, subw 0x0, time 770949658, (6,68), root:(1104,91),
    state 0x10, button 8, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2000001,
    root 0x156, subw 0x0, time 770949870, (6,68), root:(1104,91),
    state 0x10, button 9, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x2000001,
    root 0x156, subw 0x0, time 770950131, (6,68), root:(1104,91),
    state 0x10, button 9, same_screen YES

I assume these are the 8 and number 9 buttons. Now what can I do to swap those? Is there a guid? Cli?


alaios wrote:
> I tried it and the two keys I would like to swap produce the following
> codes
> I assume these are the 8 and number 9 buttons. Now what can I do to
> swap those? Is there a guid? Cli?

I don’t know in detail I’m afraid. You need to change the button
mappings, which can be done using a program called xmodmap. But there
are probably better/easier ways to do it. If nobody else answers here,
googling should help - in fact it shows for example which says that KDE at
least has a GUI for it. You could also try posting here with a more
obvious topic subject, such as ‘how to change mouse button mappings’

Thanks for the answer.
Indeed anyone that would like to answer this topic will help.

I could not find where kde can change the map keys of the keyboard and mouse.


answer can be found here

I switched to using a trackball for the above reason. I use the wired version of this one: Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball: Electronics
Once you develop the proper muscle memory, trackballs are actually more comfortable and easier to use than mice.