Can you please explain how to configure mouse DPI settings in openSUSE Leap 42.1?
I want to set my Logitech g100s mouse Dpi setting from 1000 to 800.
Google was no use.
Which desktop environment are you using? For KDE you can adjust various settings using
System Settings > Input Devices > Mouse > Advanced
BTW if KDE it does not use DPI it is acceleration
I don’t use Logitech hardware, but I stumbled across ‘Lomoco’ while researching possible solutions to optimizing mouse behaviour in Linux. It is described as…
Tool for setting the special features of some Logitech mice lomoco can configure vendor-specific options on Logitech USB mice (or dual-personality mice plugged into the USB port). A number of recent devices are supported. The program is mostly useful in setting the resolution to 800 cpi on mice that boot at 400 cpi (such as the MX-500), and disabling SmartScroll or Cruise Control for those who would rather use the two extra buttons as ordinary mouse buttons.
Configuration info for Lomoco here…
Theres no DPI config in KDE? What about Gnome because I’m on KDE.
As for Lomoco I installed it and it gave me this:
**#** lomoco -s
002.001: 1d6b:0002 Not a Logitech device
006.001: 1d6b:0001 Not a Logitech device
001.001: 1d6b:0002 Not a Logitech device
005.003: 045e:078c Not a Logitech device
005.002: 046d:c247 Unsupported Logitech device: G100s Optical Gaming Mouse
005.001: 1d6b:0001 Not a Logitech device
004.001: 1d6b:0003 Not a Logitech device
003.001: 1d6b:0002 Not a Logitech device
Tried to set DPI to 800 anyway:
**#** lomoco --800
005.002: 046d:c247 Unsupported Logitech device: G100s Optical Gaming Mouse
Ok, it was worth a shot I guess.
Another approach might be to see what parameters are available via xinput.
Explained well here…
FWIW, there has been a lot of development with Xorg/Wayland concerning how input devices are handled. Along with the move to using libinput, the use of udev’s hwdb for maintaining a hardware-specific mouse DPI database has been implemented. This is not applicable to Leap 42.1, but should be in Tumbleweed AFAIU.
I’m a noob when it comes to what their talking about. Like what are the steps to installing those codes?
Can someone guide me step-by-step?
I was pointing at developments with udev and the Xorg input stack (libinput) that help deal with hardware-specific mouse DPI (amongst other things), so not applicable to Leap 42.1. You would need to be using Tumbleweed to take advantage of this.
BTW, did you read post #8 re xinput? While not controlling DPI directly, it may be possible to tweak your mouse behaviour by checking/adjusting parameters available by xinput. You’d need to start with listing the parameters available for your mouse as described in the page I linked to.
It happens that I’m on Tumbleweed just finished installing it yesterday well I’m running on it for now. Xinput have it installed and its no use because my mouse feels as if it’s directly connnect with no drivers installed at all. Even trying to adjust the acceleration & threshold in Configure Desktop > Input Devices>Mouse its unaffected by my mouse.
Okay, let’s investigate the udev hwdb then. I’m not using TW, but I’m assuming/hoping that TW is using it for mice. Does /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/70-mouse.hwdb exist? If so, the blog I linked to explains how to add a device to the hardware database. They mention the ‘mouse-dpi-tool’ to interrogate a device and generate the required custom entry.
BTW, the kernel communicates with the HCI (input) devices at a low-level, and Xorg has user-space input drivers to deal with the hardware-specific nature of the various devices. The following can be used to determine which Xorg driver (evdev, synaptics, libinput) is handling a given input device.
grep "Using input driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log
/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/70-mouse.hwdb does exist on my system but permission is denied.
Don’t know how to interrogate the mouse-dpi-tool to make a custom entry.
grep “Using input driver” /var/log/Xorg.0.log
23.946] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Power Button’
23.970] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Video Bus’
23.994] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Power Button’
24.013] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for 'Logitech G100s Optical Gaming Mouse
24.175] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘LITEON Technology USB Keyboard’
24.217] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Eee PC WMI hotkeys’
I have one G100s here and the only way I see to change DPI is to cycle three different settings using the button before the wheel.
According to online resources the defaults are 1000, 1750 and 2500 DPI, but it seems that the mouse could be set (with the windows driver) in 250 DPI steps, starting from 250. Or something like that.
In my KDE4 system settings, mouse acceleration is set to 2.2x. It’s not quite what I was used to with my three previous logitech mouses (those where 800 DPI), but I can live with it.
System files require root permissions to edit. In any case, we won’t be editing that file directly, but rather creating a custom file (eg /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/71-mouse.hwdb) with the entry pertaining to your gaming mouse.
I’ve never used ‘mouse-dpi-tools’, but from a quick search I understand that it is part of ‘libevdev-tools’ package, so you may need to install it first
sudo zypper in libdevdev-tools
then run ‘sudo mouse-dpi-tools /dev/input/eventX’, where X is a device number specific to your mouse. This information can be got from issuing something like
xinput list-props 'Logitech G100s Optical Gaming Mouse'
For example, for my mouse I’d use…
sudo mouse-dpi-tools /dev/input/event1
You will need to do CTRL+C to terminate. It’s the last two lines that it generates that you’re after. If necessary, post the output here so that I can advise further.
You can create/edit a system file with a CLI editor like this
sudo nano /usr/lib/hwdb.d/71-mouse.hwdb
24.013] (II) **Using input driver** 'libinput' for 'Logitech G100s Optical Gaming Mouse
As I suspected
Yes, I’ve read about that ‘DPI switching’ feature that some of these Logitech mice have. It’s probably the simplest approach to switching the DPI as preferred, and making it as operate to one’s preference.
Do you know what are the repositories to download libdevdev-tools?
I usually search using openSUSE Leap - Get openSUSE
libevdev-tools is available via the official repos though…