Mounting and formatting a USB module

I am running open SUSE 11.0 on a computer which is not connected to the Internet.

I want to format a USB module and create ext2 files system on it.

ni@linux-lcqj:~> su root
linux-lcqj:/home/ni # mount /media/KINGSTON
mount: can’t find /media/KINGSTON in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
linux-lcqj:/home/ni #

linux-lcqj:/home/ni # mount /dev/media/KINGSTON
mount: can’t find /media/KINGSTON in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
linux-lcqj:/home/ni #

linux-lcqj:/home/ni # mount /dev/KINGSTON
mount: can’t find /media/KINGSTON in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
linux-lcqj:/home/ni #

Then I tried in vain the ‘umount’ command

linux-lcqj:/home/ni # umount /media/KINGSTON
umount: /media/KINGSTON: not found
linux-lcqj:/home/ni #

**What is the problem?

I can drag and drop files on to the USB module. But I can’t mount it.**

Try sudo /sbin/fdisk -l should give more info.
If you’re nit sure post the output here