mounted hard drives - root

When my husband and I installed Open SuSE 11.2, we made the mistake of telling it to have my other 2 hard drives owned by root. So now, whenever I want to open my other 2 hard drives, I have to type in the root password. This is annoying.
How can I change this?

gymnart wrote:
> When my husband and I installed Open SuSE 11.2, we made the mistake of
> telling it to have my other 2 hard drives owned by root. So now,
> whenever I want to open my other 2 hard drives, I have to type in the
> root password. This is annoying.
> How can I change this?

su to root, then enter the command:
where USER is the name of the user that you want to own the drive,
GROUP is the name of the GROUP that should have access, and TARGET is
the name of the directory or file that you’re trying to change
permissions on.

If you want to change permissions on everything on the entire drive use
the “-r” parameter:

For instance, if your username on that host is gymnart and the drive was
mounted as /local you’d enter this:

chown -r gymnart;users /local

Presto, no more annoying prompts.

Kevin Miller
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent poll, seven out of ten hard drives preferred Linux.

Attention!! there is a typo here:

chown -r gymnart;users /local

should have a* :* instead of a* ;* (it is shown correctly for the general case higher up in the post):

chown -r gymnart:users /local

hcvv wrote:
> Attention!! there is a typo here:
> Code:
> --------------------
> chown -r gymnart;users /local
> --------------------
> should have a- :- instead of a- ;- (it is shown correctly for the
> general case higher up in the post):
> Code:
> --------------------
> chown -r gymnart:users /local
> --------------------

Well spotted! Thanks for the catch…

Kevin Miller
Juneau, Alaska
In a recent poll, seven out of ten hard drives preferred Linux.

Thanks so much for your replies. I just saw it now.
ok, I know that one of the drives had been mounted in 10.0 as /local but the other one, I’m not sure how that should be mounted.
Right now, I don’t have a /local in my directory – do I have to create it first and do I have to create another directory for the 2nd hard drive?

Try to increase your knowledge with SDB:Basics of partitions, filesystems, mount points - openSUSE.

It will teach you among other things that one mounts a partition with a file system on it on a directory of ones choice. Be it


or /home/gymnart/music.
or whatever. Of course that directory must exist. Of course it must have the correct owner/group and access bits to allow access like every other directory. That means that when it is to be used by all users of the system it is best to make root the owner and set all access bits for the world

chmod a+rwx <dir>


chmod 777 <dir>

When it is e.g. your music box as the example above, then it should be yours:

chown gymnart:users <dir>
chmod 700 <dir>

or if you want to allow the other users (in group users) to listen to the music:

chmod 750 <dir>

or when you want to allow the other users to add/delete music :

chmod 770 <dir>

And of course the files inside must also have appropriate access bits set as allways.

BTW YaST > System > Partitioner is good in helping you to create a permanent (to be redone at every boot) mount. When there is allready data on the file system double check that formatting is NOT checked. YaST then does all the menial tasks like:
. creating the mount point if it does not allready exist;
. addd a line to /etc/fstab;
. mount.
The only think you might need to do is setting the access bits afterwards.

Thank you so much! Your info gave me an idea.: As root, I went into the 2nd hard drive’s folder and changed the permissions to allow all to not only read but also write to it so now, I can access my stuff on there from any of my apps and write any changes I’ve made to the files (I right clicked to view the Properties, then went to the Permissions tab, then Advanced Permissions, then checked off for read/write). I did the same to the 3rd hard drive as well.

Off topic: Now if only I can enable the ability to type unicode characters from the keyboard like I used to be able to in SuSE 10.0, (such as ctrl + shift + 00A9 gives you the copyright character) I’ll be all set . (I’ve already posted a question here about that).

I successfully used the partitioner to get one of my spare hard drives to be mounted as /local. That’s great! I had created the directory /local and another directory as /oldsuse10 before hand. The partitioner always had suggested /local but it did not seem to notice the /oldsuse10 directory that I made just for it.
How do I get the old suse10 disk to be mounted into the /oldsuse10 folder/directory and have the correct fstab entries for each and every boot?
The only other choices for mounting were: /srv and /tmp. Doesn’t the system already use these? I don’t want my old suse10 to be mounted in either of those locations anyway.

On 2010-07-03 20:16 GMT gymnart wrote:

> I successfully used the partitioner to get one of my spare hard drives
> to be mounted as /local. That’s great! I had created the directory
> /local and another directory as /oldsuse10 before hand. The
> partitioner always had suggested /local but it did not seem to notice
> the /oldsuse10 directory that I made just for it.
> How do I get the old suse10 disk to be mounted into the /oldsuse10
> folder/directory and have the correct fstab entries for each and every
> boot?
> The only other choices for mounting were: /srv and /tmp. Doesn’t the
> system already use these? I don’t want my old suse10 to be mounted in
> either of those locations anyway.

There are thousand of choices: simply type the name you want (in the
yast partitioner) and it will be created.

Or do it manually.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 16:00:09 GMT, gymnart
<> wrote:

>Thank you so much! Your info gave me an idea.: As root, I went into the
>2nd hard drive’s folder and changed the permissions to allow all to not
>only read but also write to it so now, I can access my stuff on there
>from any of my apps and write any changes I’ve made to the files (I
>right clicked to view the Properties, then went to the Permissions tab,
>then Advanced Permissions, then checked off for read/write). I did the
>same to the 3rd hard drive as well.
>Off topic: Now if only I can enable the ability to type unicode
>characters from the keyboard like I used to be able to in SuSE 10.0,
>(such as ctrl + shift + 00A9 gives you the copyright character) I’ll be
>all set *. (I’ve already posted a question here about that).

If you are in KDE look for KCharSelectApplet or Character Selector.
It provides me with © ® § ß ü and probably much more.