Mount floppy in KDE with GUI

Hello, I’m looking is there a GUI for mounting\unmounting floppies in KDE? Google suggested, that adding

/dev/fd0     /mnt/floppy0     auto     noauto,users,rw,exec,sync     0 0

to /etc/fstab should add link to floppy in Dolphin’s Places, but in fact it doesn’t. For now I have to mount floppies in console. And besides that there seems to be a bug in 12.1 with /dev/fd0 - it won’t mount at all and I had to directly specify format of mounted floppy by mounting, for example, /dev/fd0u1440 instead of /dev/fd0.

OpenSUSE 12.1
KDE Version 4.7.2

On 2012-03-22 08:56, D E wrote:
> Hello, I’m looking is there a GUI for mounting\unmounting floppies in
> KDE? Google suggested, that adding
> Code:
> --------------------
> /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy0 auto noauto,users,rw,exec,sync 0 0
> --------------------
> to /etc/fstab should add link to floppy in Dolphin’s Places, but in
> fact it doesn’t.

AFAIK, you need to modprobe the floppy module before that.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Hi. This is what I did in Debian (no need to edit fstab).
I can’t test the above in openSUSE (no floppy drive). Hope it helps.

Right click Kickoff > Edit Applications > New Item
Command: udisks --mount /dev/fd0
Name: Mount Floppy
Comment: Mounts the floppy drive

To use floppy:
sudo modprobe floppy
Kickoff > Mount Floppy

When finished:
Right click floppy icon > Unmount
sudo modprobe -r floppy

To format (FAT filesystem):
Unmount floppy
sudo mformat a: