I have 11.1- on two drives. The one I have not updated for a couple of weeks. That one mounts CDROM as:
/dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
This drive that is up to date returns the message;
“mount: mount point /dev/cdrom is not a directory”,
with precisely the same fstab setting.
I just don’t have a clue as to what is going on!
Someone heeelp, please!
cdrom’s are not mounted in fstab
what desktop are you using
Maybe the fstab entries are the same, but I think /dev/cdrom is not the same on both systems.
/dev/cdrom should be a link to /dev/sr0.
When on one system /dev/cdrom is a directory you can mount on it, but what you do is faulty. You should mount elsewhere (on a directory).
To check do
ls -l /dev/crom
on both systems.
As caf4926 says, one does not normally mount cdrom and the like via /etc/fstab. This is done by HAL and works via your desktop (window pop-up).
Maybe some reading in SDB:Basics of partitions, filesystems, mount points - openSUSE
might help you understanding what something in /dev/ is (should be) and what a mountpoint is.
It seems like you are trying to mount your recorder on a link! Usually in the /dev directory there is a link called cdrom pointing to sr0 so there is no sense in mounting on it any filesystem. Instead create a directory called cdrom in /media and mount there: mkdir /media/cdrom
Mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom. All has to be done as root
You guys have me really confused! I wrote the CDROM from an unstable version of 11.1 with fstab settings. Then I transferred data to second drive as backup using fstab. Now all I want to do is reload the first drive from the CDROM as the backup is only 10 Gig. What has changed with the latest updates?
I have studied mount points, etc in “Help”, which basically tell me to set up fstab as I have done.
If anyone can explain this, they can have a feather in their cap!
No feathers for me.
I am afraid we are completely lost here. Can you please tell us step by step what you are trying to achieve, what you are doing to achieve this, and where things go wrong. Do not expect us to be clarvoyant or even that we ever have done what you do. Jumping over steps in your explanation, thinking that it will be all very logical to us, will create great problems in our mutual understanding. Give output of error messages, involved configuration files, etc. (and please put computer output between CODE tags to make them readable).
And last but not least, I asked you to do an
ls -l /dev/crom
on both systems. Where is the output?
mount: mount point /dev/cdrom is not a directory"
I insist: you or your system are trying to mount the filesystem on a link. So the message is really right: /dev/cdrom is not a directory. It is a link! And now i am also wondering what you are trying to archieve.
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:16:02 +0000, johmidl wrote:
> I have 11.1- on two drives. The one I have not updated for
> a couple of weeks. That one mounts CDROM as: /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom
> iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0 This drive that is up to date returns
> the message; “mount: mount point /dev/cdrom is not a directory”, with
> precisely the same fstab setting. I just don’t have a clue as to what is
> going on! Someone heeelp, please!
You need to change:
/dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
to something like:
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
Then as root create the directory /media/cdrom.
Dependinf on your hardware, removing the fstab entry entirely should work
as well.
Been out of touch for some time. I am becoming more and more confused! Have always used fstab. Maybe I was not clear enough; I use both hard drives on the same PC. CPU is Intel Celeron CPU 2.66 GHz. I first copied files from unstable version to CDROM using the fstab setting which I loaded to 10 Gig drive as a backup. Then I installed openSUSE 11.1 to the 80 Gig drive. Thats where the problem cropped up; this new installation (11.1- does not accept the fstab settings previously used so I can’t load the original files. I am also not clear on the instruction to change to media and then create a directory entry. >:)
Seriously you are just making no sense.
Are you saying you copied an old fstab to this new 80GB HD installed with 11.1?
If you get yourself setup with a nice clean install on your 80GB HD.
Now what do you need to do with the old drive?
That was the point; I copied the files that I needed to keep to CDROM and also loaded them to the 10 Gig as a backup. Then I installed a clean 11.1. From CDROM to 10 Gig used fstab settings, so I cannot understand why fstab wont work with new, clean install. :’(
I’m none the wiser from your explanation:\
OK, lets forget the second drive! I copied files from old version of 11.1 to CDROM. Then I loaded the latest 11.1 to get a clean installation. Now I can’t get my old files back from the CDROM. I definitely used fstab settings on the old installation. Hope I’m making sense now! lol!
Hope I’m making sense now!
Not a bit. Sorry.:shame:
Let’s get this right:
The issue is not copying the files but mounting the cdrom/dvd?
If this is true, and its a data dvd, it should automount quite happily without any fstab entry, so remove any fstb reference to cd/dvd.
To confirm there isn’t a problem with mounting a cd/dvd, put a known working cd in the drive. If you can read it, then there is a problem with the backup cd/dvd.
Which desktop are you using? Perhaps you are confused by the desktop behaviour. With KDE4 for example, the cdrom will not be auto-mounted, but you should see a notification icon via the Dolphin file manager. Clicking on this icon will allow it to mount the filesystem contained on a valid data cdrom (under /media directory). Right-clickng on the same icon gives options for ejecting or releasing (unmounting) this device.
As hcw mentioned (several posts back), what is the output of
ls -l /dev/cdrom
Hal, udev, and desktop takes care of handling cdrom devices these days. No /etc/fstab entry required. However, you can mount manually by creating a mount-point like
mkdir /mnt/test
Then do
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/test
ls -l /mnt/test
Hope this clarifies things for you.
Let’s look at it another way; forget the CDROM. If I mount the one drive that also contains the full OS as a slave, how do I access it to copy from it to the master drive? Maybe that will be easier.
Combining this post with your last, I get the picture:
Drive1 has suse on it and it mounts the cd to some mount point
Drive2 also has suse on it and you can’t find the cd rom.
The reason for the error:
“mount: mount point /dev/cdrom is not a directory”
is that /dev/cdrom is a link. You can only mount to a directory in the file system.
ie, you need to make a directory /media/cdrom and change the fstab entry to
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
But Suse on drive2 should automount the cd and it will probably, by default have the cd contents appearing in /mount/cd-label where cd-label is the label of the cd.
Now since linux mounts everything in a single file system under / , any drive or partition that is mounted will appear somewhere in /. If it is not mounted, it will not appear.
Whether the drive is a master or slave drive in the hardware is not an issue. Any partition that is mounted must appear or have a unique place under /.
The file systems on drive1 (or conversely on drive2 if drive1 is booted) will not see the other unless it is mounted.
This is now why we are asking you to post the result of the command (as root) fdisk -l.
This will then give us/you an idea of the partitioning of the drive.
Assuming you have a root and a /home partition on each drive and they are called sda1 and sda2 or sdb1 and sdb2 you would mount them thus:
As root, create a folder called sda1 (or 2) say in /media.
Now mount the drive by typing:
mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1.
If you want the mount to be persistent, the easiest way is to use yast>system>partitioner and to mount the drive there. This will create the necessary fstab entry for you.
Allis fixed! I now know that I must trust our pal Hal. He kept popping up for a few seconds to tell me that he had found a new device plugged in, but as it was so short a time I have only now read that I use Dolphin to read the CDROM. Thanks for your concern and advice.