MonoDevelop Unix Integration Fails

Hello everyone. I am having some issues with MonoDevelop creating deployment packages that add unix .desktop files. I have added the .desktop file to the solution and have told it to add itself to the Games menu. I have also checked “include in deploy” on the properties page for the .desktop file. When I create the tarball source package and attempt to install based on it (“sudo ./configure & make & make install”) it installs without errors but does not add the desktop menu entries.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a work around for this?

Thanks in advance!


Using OpenSUSE 11.2 (KDE 4.3.5) and MonoDevelop 2.0

I found that there is a bug report for this
Adding Desktop Application Launcher has no effect

Status is still “new” so it is obviously not resolved, maybe someone else
knows a workaround.

Yeah that was my old bug report from back on Kubuntu. Seeing as Novell is behind both openSUSE and MonoDevelop you would think they would together.

I tried following the steps in this video Building packages with MonoDevelop - MonoDevelop and it still did not work.