
A pig in lipstick is still a pig.

The Mojave Experiment

Dissecting Microsoft’s Mojave Experiment

That just sounds slimy. I wonder what the PC specs were, and was Vista preinstalled on all of them?

Marketing is fun - I make up facts out of thin air too.

Aero and Windows : Smoke and Mirrors.

It just shows people tend not to complain when they have an OS pre-installed and pre-configured for them. Hardly revelatory.

The “What You May Not Know” link gave me a 404. Way to go MS.

> Way to go MS.

well, and this no kidding…i gave waiting on it…it took 15 minutes
to “fill up” that cute beaker before it began…and, then would play
about 30 seconds and pause to go into building a cache
again…disgustingly SLOW…

of course, i’m on the other side of the world from Redmond…but, man
was it slow!!!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

On Sun, 03 Aug 2008 18:12:03 GMT
DenverD <spam.trap@Texan.dk> wrote:

>well, and this no kidding…i gave waiting on it…it took 15 minutes
>to “fill up” that cute beaker before it began…and, then would play
>about 30 seconds and pause to go into building a cache
>again…disgustingly SLOW…
>of course, i’m on the other side of the world from Redmond…but, man
>was it slow!!!

Same thing here – 23 minutes to load that first cube and then the
interviews would stop every 4 to 6 seconds to download more. I
figured they were running it on a Vista machine . . . :slight_smile:

And I’m only a few states away from Redmond (but no idea where the site
is hosted).

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA)
Linux is not a destination, it’s a journey – enjoy the trip!

1:56pm up 7 days 1:33, 16 users, load average: 0.23, 0.18, 0.16

Same for me in konqueror it did not load (I didn’t realise it was just slow), though in Firefox I got in in a few seconds.

However, it is a hoax made with actors and it is sooooo obvious.
Again M$ lets its users know that they are stupid, just weeks after they accused their users of being at fault when ‘things’ don’t work in Vi$ta.

Great, keep up the good work Steve !

The people in the experiment only talked about the GUI screens, how pretty it is, and stuff like that. What about security, price, tools that come with it, and other important issues like that? There’s more to an OS than just the graphics.

Not only that… it’s one thing to be shown the candy bits of an OS… it’s another thing to have to work with with the OS as a whole.

If Vista would have be as grand as stated it would been have adopted a lot quicker. The product would have sold itself even if there was negative publicity as also there were/are enough pro-MS people that tried to adopt it. To many compatibility issues (applications/previous platforms/'old hardware/etc) made them give up on that or slowed implementation down drastically.

This ‘Mojave experiment’ is just a smart marketing trick to have people take another new look at Vista now that is has stabilized further (which will be two years in 3,5 months!).

This campaign might do the trick for them but I’m still hoping Vista gets skipped by most of our customers as a new OS will be knocking on the door in not to long. Skip the hassle for this release and leave it for something that’s evolved a bit more.

XP, although getting older, still does the job whistling.

Just my 2cents,

They should have just released a service pack 4 for XP. It could have fixed security issues, and added the Aero interface as an option. The new Windows media center could have been available for download for users who are upgraded to sp4. I’d still never use Vista, but that’s what they should have done. Why do they scrap an entire OS, instead of building on the same one like so many Linux distros do? When you need to expand a building, you don’t knock the whole thing down and start over from a new foundation. You just construct another wing or something.

The point that microsoft – and the rest of the world-- should take out of this little exercise is that Vista is great, but only as far as beta software goes.

When users think that they’re working with alpha or beta code, they think it’s great. When they realize that it’s a finished product, disappointment sets in.

> When users think that they’re working with alpha or beta code, they
> think it’s great. When they realize that it’s a finished product,
> disappointment sets in.

Thus the perpetual beta of Gmail.