Missing Package in KDE 4.7 (KR47). "kdebase4-session >= 4.7.0"

I was about to test the new KDE 4.7 on my (default Gnome machine.) All I did was the following:

  1. Add some repositories:
    Core: Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/47/openSUSE_11.4
    Extra: Index of /repositories/KDE:/Extra/KDE_Release_47_openSUSE_11.4

  2. Go in to Yast; Software Manager.

  3. Change the dropbox originaly set to “Groups” in the upper left corner to “Pattern”.

Voila; There you have two nice and tidy options to check both “KDE Base System” and “KDE Desktop Environment”
However: Once I check the KDE 4.7 Base System I get a dependency break. The missing part is “kdebase4-session >= 4.7.0”.

Of course I can probably go out and find this somewhere else. But I thought it would be better to add it to the repository for future users. Maybe there is a legitimate reason for it to not be there at this moment - or maybe someone just forgot to put it there. Probably this is not an issue if you are upgrading from a previous KDE environment, maybe this package has been distributed before?
This is probably not the correct place to put this info, what I really wanted to do was to send in a “bug report” or something similar. Maybe someone with more knowledge how to do this can help me?

Note: There is no Dependency break once checking “KDE Desktop Environment”.

Best Regards

It is there
I suggest you post your error in full

As a suggestion to you Loofy when updating programs is better to use a console after adding new repo`s and issue sudo zypper refresh followed by sudo zypper up to make a system update (KDE in your case).


hmm, Yeap… I have looked into the issue a bit further, and yes. As you both say. The package exists. However Yast won’t agree. This package is in my case listed under the KDE Desktop Environment “pattern”. It can also be found under the “no-arch” library in the Core-repo provided in the first input.
The error occurs when checking the Base System pattern (Assuming this is needed for KDE 4.7 as well?)
I also tried to check Desktop pattern first, and then the Base system, thinking, now at least Yast will find the missing package? But no. Still the same message.
Also to be brought into the equation - the system I am running is 64 bit.

Here is the actual error message: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4404882/screenshot.png

Best Regards

Yes. Here is my screen of it:
SUSE Paste

The way to switch is via Repo view
It looks like this in GTK: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/Switcher%20Pics/packman%20in%20gnome.png (Though that is showing a switch to Packman, you use that method but on the KDE47 repo)
Here it is in KDE (this was a R46 switch image) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/Switcher%20Pics/11.4_kde46_switch.png


I tried the switch repository things, but that only did seam to download and install some of the differences in terms of versions of some packages.

However. After I did this I still could not choose to install through the pattern-method.

If I want to “forward” this issue to someone to have a look at it - how would I do that?

Best Regards

This is being addressed already, I reported it in the ML and I understand a fix will appear soon/.