Missing applications from launcher menu after update of LXDE

Hello All

I’m using openSuse 12.1, with LXDE desktop.
I updated the latest updates of LXDE, and now all the applications from the launch menu dissapered. all i have is Accessories with 3 applications, Run and Logout.

Any way to get them back ?


Argoson wrote:

> I updated the latest updates of LXDE,

How did you do this

Post result of
zypper lr -d

I have to mention that the applications where not actualy deleted, hust the menu entries - the shortcuts.
I have the LXDE repo enabled and i ran a zypper ref->up

Argoson wrote:

> i ran a zypper ref->up
Is not sufficient

You should use the package switcher on that repo from in software management
or do
zypper dup -r <reponame>

No, that’s not the solution. it just makes things worst.

Rebuild the database and icon cache;

update-desktop-database --quiet /usr/share/applications
gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet --force /usr/share/icons/<your_theme_directory>

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64) Kernel 3.1.10-1.9-desktop
up 4:05, 4 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

No, still not resolved.

I checked the ~/.cache directory, and i found one file with a very long name made from numbers and characters. it is a text file containing the entire tree of shortcuts for the start menu. it containes all the missing application shortcuts.
i renamed it and rebooted. the file was recreated and it is exactly the same as the old one. but still, the shortcuts are not shown.

Create a test user login and just check if the issue is still present.
If it is then did you run the updating on the system, else do you have
and custom icon’s or themes running?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64) Kernel 3.1.10-1.9-desktop
up 4:51, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

I created a test user and it is the same - all the shortcut icons, except for 3 under Accessories are gone. I do not use a custom theme and icons. just the standard ones.

Argoson wrote:

> I created a test user and it is the same -
But you never showed us

zypper lr -d

Never mind - for now i have downgraded the menu-cache package to the one before the update. I will open a bug on that.