Mismatched kernel and kernel sources

openSuse v11.1 x86_64 SMP

The loaded kernel is
The kernel sources from a download site is

VirtualBox expects to build a driver from the kernel sources but, as noted above, they do not match. There does not appear to be a kernel available. Is this true?

I’m showing

rpm -qi kernel-source
Name        : kernel-source                Relocations: /usr/src
Version     : ****                         Vendor: openSUSE
Release     : 0.1.1                         Build Date: Sun 16 Aug 2009 11:13:52 BST
Install Date: Mon 24 Aug 2009 15:28:40 BST      Build Host: rinck
Group       : Development/Sources           Source RPM: kernel-source-
Size        : 309251954                        License: GPL v2 only
Signature   : RSA/8, Sun 16 Aug 2009 11:27:25 BST, Key ID b88b2fd43dbdc284
Packager    : http://bugs.opensuse.org
URL         : http://www.kernel.org/
Summary     : The Linux Kernel Sources
Description :
Linux kernel sources with many fixes and improvements.

Yes, that is the kernel-source I have installed. That is not the running kernel, though.

Open a terminal and post result of

zypper lr -d

The kernel is as I quote also, they match. You need to update.
But the zypper info will just confirm for us that your repos are in good order to update.

Also see here

Okay, user error.

I was deciding between openSuse and Mandriva distros. Mandriva was installed and I then installed openSuse over that. It did not go all that well.

By wiping the disks and starting from scratch all of the updates installed as expected. The running kernel and kernel sources now match.

BTW I decided openSuse is a better fit for us.