Minor issue after trying Cinnamon desktop

A while ago I decided to try out the Cinnamon desktop, normally I use KDE on TW. When I reverted back to booting into KDE Plasma 6 the background which appears on the login screen is still the one which was used on Cinnamon and only on that login screen once in Plasma everything is what I expect. No matter what I have tried so far I cannot get it to revert back to what I had before. I’ve deleted all I can find relating to Cinnamon on the home partition and set my own background on the SDDM theme but it still shows that Cinnamon background on every boot up. What am I missing, obviously something but what?


This does not work?

And when you don’t want to use Cinnamon any longer, why not uninstalling the packages including the themes and branding? Instead of deleting random stuff in the home directory…
Themes are not stored in the home directory…

Neither changing the SDDM theme nor deleting Cinnamon from the system restores my wanted background to the login screen!


To be 100% sure: you really mean the login screen which appears after cold start of the machine? Or do you mean the lockscreen which appears after you locked your desktop session (or after standby…)?
Because these background settings are different and are found in different places in systemsettings…

Yes I mean the login screen after a cold start, the normal lock screen comes up with the background I want. Strange thing is that I was watching carefully on a cold start and noticed the correct background appeared briefly before changing to the wrong one!


I’ve been trying various things to make it work like I want but nothing has fixed it. I am using Wayland btw. I have now moved all the images which have appeared on the background from their normal folder and now my Wayland login screen has no mage at all, it is plain black.

So how do I set a background image to display using SDDM and Wayland on my login screen? Because none of the SDDM themes show as they should.

As I said this is minor but very annoying!


This is becoming very frustrating now. I also have TW installed on a laptop and on booting that into Wayland and Plasma it show the login screen exactly as per the SDDM theme complete with my selected background, this laptop has never had Cinnamon installed.

No matter what I’ve tried short of a re-install I am unable to get rid of the annoying Cinnamon login screen and get SDDM to display the correct theme. I have even copied my theme from the laptop to this PC but still I get the wrong login screen! There must be something somewhere which is still around from the Cinnamon install causing this, either a file or a change to a standard file.

Any further suggestions gratefully received!


Create a new user profile…better than reinstalling…

I’ll try that…


Made no difference at all. When I logout the correct screen is displayed on the new user or the original one but the login screen on cold start still shows the Cinnamon login screen. I think it has to be some change in system files which has done this and was not removed when I uninstalled Cinnamon.


Been searching round some more and found Cinnamon uses LightDM and some folks had trouble using SDDM afterwards. So removed LightDM which was installed and now I get the correct SDDM login screen with correct background. So fixed now!


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