Milestone 2 - comments and reports

Milestone 2 was released earlier today. I have downloaded and installed.

It was mostly routine, except for three problems.

  1. I am prompted for encryption key during boot, but keyboard input is not accepted. This is bug 939411. There’s a fairly easy workaround. This bug was fixed a long time ago for Tumbleweed. I’m disappointed that it is still there for milestone 2 (I reported for milestone 1).
  2. “gdm” still does not like a KVM switch (bug 939452). That was also reported for milestone 1.
  3. And a new problem. On boot, it always goes into emergency mode. I have to run the command
# vgchange -a y

before I can continue booting.

However, there is something else that bothers me. Unless there are some changes very soon, I will not be going with the released 42.1. I’ll either go all Tumbleweed, or stick with 13.2, or even revert to 13.1 for its evergreen mode.

At present, Leap just seems to be a very incomplete project. There too much that has been in regular opensuse releases, but is not in Leap. Two examples: I normally install “sendmail” and “ecryptfs-utils”. I’m willing to make do without “sendmail” in order to go with the flow. But I’m not willing to go without “ecryptfs-utils”.

There have been lists out for a while, where project maintainers can check to see if their project is in Leap. I have not seen a list where users can specify “must have” software. It looks to me as if Leap is not getting the full support that it will need to become successful. I hope that I am mistaken about that.

This does raise an interesting question - how are these observations addressed? Is bugzilla an inappropriate place to raise such ?

My guess is one needs to raise such an observation on one of the mailing lists … but that is just a guess.


Yes, I did wonder about possibly sending a message to the factory mailing list. Thanks for the feedback.

nrickert wrote:

> However, there is something else that bothers me. Unless there are some
> changes very soon, I will not be going with the released 42.1. I’ll
> either go all Tumbleweed, or stick with 13.2, or even revert to 13.1 for
> its evergreen mode.

I spent a couple of hours playing with Leap 42.1 the other day and I am
right with you on it. It looks like they picked up some sort of scrambled
code base to work from. I tried first to install with an existing /home
partition with mixed results as I had been using a number of additional
programs which are not yet available for Leap. Figuring that this could be
causing some problems, I installed to a clean system with no pre-existing
/home and found it still unusable.

> At present, Leap just seems to be a very incomplete project. There too
> much that has been in regular opensuse releases, but is not in Leap.
> Two examples: I normally install “sendmail” and “ecryptfs-utils”. I’m
> willing to make do without “sendmail” in order to go with the flow. But
> I’m not willing to go without “ecryptfs-utils”.

I don’t use encryption but I found some other changes which I really didn’t
like and some things which just plain don’t work.

Installing to a UEFI system on an HP ENVY h8 1417c (Core I7, quad core with
Nvidia card - Geforce 650 I think - using the generic driver, 12 GB ram) I
used strictly the default install on the first try. The install process ran
w/o issues and the subsequent UEFI reboot went as expected. Problems showed
up immediately after logging on to the user account.

First, I noticed that the system had reverted to the eht0/wlan0 ids for the
network. The wired ehternet connection was active and aquired an IP address
but did NOT set a default gateway. I tried setting up manual IP settings
for the gw and DNS servers but no luck. I had to manually add the default
gateway to get online.

I had to go into Yast to configure the wireless device as that is also the
bluetooth interface. The initial run didn’t even insmod the kernel driver
for it. Used Yast to switch over the NetworkManager to manage the two
network devices. Rebooted just to be safe. NetworkManager managed to set
up the wired ethernet - sans default route, just as wicked did. Unplugged
the ehternet cable and tried to connect using the wireless. Got an IP but
still no gateway assigned.

Network code definitely needs work!

Most of the rest of what I found deals pretty much with KDE - I am totally
underwhelmed by that. Appearance is stark, looks half finished. Several
common features like simple assignment of default program associations are
either awol or so well hidden I couldn’t find them. Folder decorations, as
another example, are basically pretty well fixed to the default and not
acceptable as is.

I think you summed it up pretty well. Leap is nowhere near ready for prime
time so it look like 13.1/2 will be around here for some time. I’ll keep
looking but even a second milestone should be further along than this.

Will Honea

Part of that is the switch to Plasma 5. However, Plasma 5 is working better in Tumbleweed than in Leap.

It also turns out that “rsyslog” is broken (recent mail in the factory mailing list). There a lot of unhappiness about the loss of 32-bit (many mails in factory list).

I’m not losing any sleep over this. For the moment, either staying with 13.2 or going with Tumbleweed look like alternatives. But I’ll continue to watch how things shake out, and keep testing up through the final release. And maybe problems will be sorted out by a subsequent release (42.2?).

On 2015-09-04 23:46, nrickert wrote:

> At present, Leap just seems to be a very incomplete project.


Both rsyslog and syslog-ng are missing, and I need one, preferably
rsyslog, as it is the one I use now.

YaST crashed on M1, and still does on M2, at a conflict resolution dialog.

VMware guest tools fail somewhere, copy paste between guest and host are

Translation has not even started.

All that is known already.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

That one does not bother me. The same problem is happening in Tumbleweed. According to reports, it is fixed but the fix has not yet made it to published snapshots. So I presume that will be fixed for Leap.

Some of the other issues suggest that there’s an incompatible mixture of SLE and Tumbleweed. Maybe they should have tried combining SLE with 13.1 or 13.2.

In any case, I’ll sit back and watch. If they can straighten it out by the time of 42.2 (or whatever, presumably in a year or so), that will be good enough for me. It’s an interesting experiment, and we are seeing some experimental errors.

On Wed 09 Sep 2015 08:28:06 PM CDT, Carlos E. R. wrote:

On 2015-09-04 23:46, nrickert wrote:

> At present, Leap just seems to be a very incomplete project.


Both rsyslog and syslog-ng are missing, and I need one, preferably
rsyslog, as it is the one I use now.

YaST crashed on M1, and still does on M2, at a conflict resolution

VMware guest tools fail somewhere, copy paste between guest and host are

Translation has not even started.

All that is known already.

The rsyslog package is present in the openSUSE-Leap-Oss repo? If you
treat the cancel button as the ‘ok try again button’ all is good…
don’t use it much but is a work around.

Don’t use vmware… prefer kvm.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel
3.12.44-52.10-default If you find this post helpful and are logged into
the web interface, please show your appreciation and click on the star
below… Thanks!

On 2015-09-09 23:01, malcolmlewis wrote:

> Hi
> The rsyslog package is present in the openSUSE-Leap-Oss repo?

It is, but it misses a symbol in a library:

rsyslogd: symbol lookup error: rsyslogd: undefined symbol:

I got a reply that “We need FACTORY version of rsyslog instead. It’s a
know problem of mixing with old rsyslog and newer json-c.”, thus it is a
known issue and no need to report in Bugzilla.

> If you
> treat the cancel button as the ‘ok try again button’ all is good…
> don’t use it much but is a work around.

I’ll try with “cancel”.

> Don’t use vmware… prefer kvm.

Well, it is what I have :slight_smile:
I use it because it allows me to run old operating systems and software.
Like MsDos, Win-Me… Or SuSE 5.3 :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

On 2015-09-09 23:06, nrickert wrote:
> robin_listas;2727585 Wrote:
>> YaST crashed on M1, and still does on M2, at a conflict resolution
>> dialog.
> That one does not bother me. The same problem is happening in
> Tumbleweed. According to reports, it is fixed but the fix has not yet
> made it to published snapshots. So I presume that will be fixed for
> Leap.

But till I hit on the workaround, I can’t run YaST to find out what to

> Some of the other issues suggest that there’s an incompatible mixture of
> SLE and Tumbleweed. Maybe they should have tried combining SLE with
> 13.1 or 13.2.


> In any case, I’ll sit back and watch. If they can straighten it out by
> the time of 42.2 (or whatever, presumably in a year or so), that will be
> good enough for me. It’s an interesting experiment, and we are seeing
> some experimental errors.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

On Fri, 04 Sep 2015 21:46:01 GMT
nrickert <> wrote:

> Milestone 2 was released earlier today. I have downloaded and
> installed.

Me too - three times on this machine so far.

First install was KDE and, as I expected, the screen graphics fractured
and, after about 10 minutes, froze. Unusually, I was able to escape via
the Vulcan neck-pinch instead of the usual rap on the reset button that
is vital in Tumbleweed on this machine.

I’ve been told many times that the problem is down to the nouveau
drivers. I’ve never really believed that, a view enhanced by a comment
in the bug report that the nVidia driver displayed the same problems. I
realised that I’d not tried Gnome so my second clean install was with
the Gnome desktop instead of KDE. That stayed up for over 24 hours
without a hint of trouble.

I’ve now installed 42.1-m2 with KDE again. After almost an hour there
has been no sign of trouble but I’ll leave it running until tomorrow -
or until it misbehaves.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 13.2 (64-bit); KDE 4.14.9; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Kernel: 4.2.0; Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using nouveau driver);
Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 09:19:06 GMT
Graham P Davis <> wrote:

> I’ve now installed 42.1-m2 with KDE again. After almost an hour there
> has been no sign of trouble but I’ll leave it running until tomorrow -
> or until it misbehaves.

And a few minutes after posting, the graphics start acting up in the
Application Menu. It’ll be all downhill from here.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 13.2 (64-bit); KDE 4.14.9; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Kernel: 4.2.0; Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using nouveau driver);
Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

Wow. KDE appeared for you, that’s some progress. lol!

Since Leap 42.1 for openSUSE is errr, well a leap away from 13.2 etc., and I have no spare machine for testing such, a VM should provide an appropriate first step, no?.

I proceeded to replace my V’Box guest 13.2/KDE/Btrfs default system, using Leap’s M2 Network CD iso. It didn’t go well, but not all bad:

1st - the upgrade option: Proceeded without a hitch as far as downloading, etc., then failed on first reboot - something went wrong apparently - no idea what.

2nd - a clean install of Leap/KDE/Btrfs (i.e. Plasma 5), same VM: Used all Installer’s defaults, no obvious issues with that or download and first boot to Grub screen, and on to a familiar openSUSE splash. That faded to a black screen, and nothing else - no login screen to be seen - nothing. I repeated the whole process to be sure. This time round, and at some arbitrary moment, I must have just hit a key press (Esc? not sure) that moved from black screen to login screen. It accepted my login id +password, but no desktop appeared, just another black screen! Several further attempts at reboot failed to produce a login screen, so Plasma 5 never showed up. I suspected a V’Box video driver issue - not sure… However it seemed Leap itself had booted ok.

3rd try another DE, same VM but clean Leap install. Gnome 3 hadn’t played well on V’Box when testing 13.2, so I chose Xfce with hardly any previous experience of it. Leap/Xfce/Btrfs with Installer’s defaults, a shorter download, very good performance even in VM, and a working log-in screen, arrived at a decent desktop. :wink:

I looked around Xfce and changed a few things such as the openSUSE 13.2 Background for a more polished blue Xfce version with its iconic mouse silhouette, and replaced default fonts with the available Adobe Source Sans Pro at a slightly lower size. I would happily work with this alternative DE, although I haven’t yet satisfied myself on the state of applications such as there are, i.e not that many installed OOTB.

AFAICT, so far, Btrfs is working. Snapper was installed, but not cofigured i.e. no “root” config file provided. Possibly because I used a small .vdi of 10GB, not sure, but could be a non-issue.

The only issue apart from bugs mentioned elsewhere and/or transferred from Tumbleweed, was the absence of working sound although mindful of this being a VM and maybe a V’Box driver type issue. Yast presented a recognised but not-configured sound card, with no PulseAudio installed. Configuring the card made things worse as the Volume control in the system tray claimed there was now no device available, and no mixer settings showing in YaST. Hmm…

The Plasma 5 situation is disappointing, but not so surprising at this stage of the “Leap”, and not much else to add as I don’t know what was specifically expected or even specified for this Milestone. :expressionless:

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 13:26:01 GMT
consused <> wrote:

> 2nd - a clean install of Leap/KDE/Btrfs (i.e. Plasma 5), same VM: Used
> all Installer’s defaults, no obvious issues with that or download and
> first boot to Grub screen, and on to a familiar openSUSE splash. That
> faded to a black screen, and nothing else - no login screen to be
> seen - nothing. I repeated the whole process to be sure. This time
> round, and at some arbitrary moment, I must have just hit a key press
> (Esc? not sure) that moved from black screen to login screen. It
> accepted my login id +password, but no desktop appeared, just another
> black screen! Several further attempts at reboot failed to produce a
> login screen, so Plasma 5 never showed up. I suspected a V’Box video
> driver issue - not sure… However it seemed Leap itself had booted
> ok.

I’ve three ‘/’ partitions on this device so can install Leap without
troubling anything else so perhaps my experience may not relate to

The openSUSE splash appeared briefly for me before fading to black, but
this is normal on this machine; it reminds me of a bug that was fixed a
couple of years or so ago.

The splash screen then re-appeared, slowly brightened (as usual) then
switched suddenly to black with just a cursor in TLHC. And sat there.
And sat there. At the point where I was considering going to make a cup
of tea to while away the time, the login screen finally appeared. This
long wait in the dark also occurred with m1.

Then logon succeeded after a brief burst of fireworks as the graphics
drivers switched.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 13.2 (64-bit); KDE 4.14.9; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Kernel: 4.2.0; Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using nouveau driver);
Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

Now you mention it, and since the Xfce install worked so well in simple testing of M2’s basic installer, boot process, and default Grub, etc., the risk of trouble also from my POV is now much reduced - even for multiboot.

My hardware is legacy BIOS, the configuration has a separate /boot partition used by Tumbleweed, and plenty of spare disk space for another “/” partition to take Leap. Next step is to attempt Network install of M2/Plasma 5 on real h/w where the integral graphics is straightforward “intel”. If it fails I can retry with Gnome this time. Will report back…

consused wrote:

> 2nd - a clean install of Leap/KDE/Btrfs (i.e. Plasma 5), same VM: Used
> all Installer’s defaults, no obvious issues with that or download and
> first boot to Grub screen, and on to a familiar openSUSE splash. That
> faded to a black screen, and nothing else - no login screen to be seen -
> nothing. I repeated the whole process to be sure. This time round, and
> at some arbitrary moment, I must have just hit a key press (Esc? not
> sure) that moved from black screen to login screen. It accepted my login
> id +password, but no desktop appeared, just another black screen!
> Several further attempts at reboot failed to produce a login screen, so
> Plasma 5 never showed up. I suspected a V’Box video driver issue - not
> sure… However it seemed Leap itself had booted ok.

Similar results here. Installing M2 into a VM machine geos black or hangs
up w/o ever getting to the KDS screens. Install to bare iron gets to the
desktop with no problems so it looks like a VM problem. Hitting ALT-F10 to
get to the log shows the system is fighting with the video system.

Will Honea

nrickert wrote:

> Part of that is the switch to Plasma 5. However, Plasma 5 is working
> better in Tumbleweed than in Leap.

I haven’t had time to mess with Tumbleweed but I get to the same conclusion

  • Plasma 5 has a ways to go.

> It also turns out that “rsyslog” is broken (recent mail in the factory
> mailing list). There a lot of unhappiness about the loss of 32-bit
> (many mails in factory list).

I’m expecting someone to build/distribute the 32-bit version eventually.
Sure hope so - I have a problem justifying the cost of replacing some older
32-bit laptops just now :wink:

> I’m not losing any sleep over this. For the moment, either staying with
> 13.2 or going with Tumbleweed look like alternatives. But I’ll continue
> to watch how things shake out, and keep testing up through the final
> release. And maybe problems will be sorted out by a subsequent release
> (42.2?).

Agreed. Too early in the release process to lose any sleep over it. 13.1/2
are not missing anything I absolutely need - yet.

Will Honea

Chrome install fails, displaying: “nothing provides lsb >= 4.0 needed by google-chrome-stable-45.0.2454.85-1.x86_64”

Thanks Will for confirming the VM video issue.

I’ve just now installed Leap 4.1 M2 onto bare metal, after resizing of extended partition to add a new logical one’, for testing in all its glory - “The Makers & Breakers Choice” - how’s that for a Milestone strap line? Reader’s of recent ML’s will get that. :wink:

The Network install failed to connect using wireless broadband even though it asked for ESSID and WPS key. I had to connect by wire which worked flawlessly.

It wouldn’t be much fun in testing (cough) without those pissy little problems to overcome at first boot of a Milestone. At that point in my case with multiboot Grub, I have to fire up Tumbleweed to remake Grub2 config to pick up Leap M2’s root partition. I did that, but it couldn’t find the new [openSUSE] linux partition at sda10. Dolphin could find it and view its /boot and everything else. The reboot was solved after whipping up “gparted” and moving the boot flag to sda10.

First reboot was messy like the previous VM test - black screen, couple of reboots, and then hitting enter did the trick to reach a login screen and Plasma 5 desktop - not looking quite the same as Tumbleweed. However there is a lot there, once one gets accustomed to the extremely old-style Menu (classic KDE?) and find the “Configure Desktop” settings entry to make one’s own changes. True, It needs some further polishing IMO. Thankfully “gparted” is in the ronline repo, so I installed it with zypper. to test, and it looks a really old version (from SLE I guess)!

On logging out after configuring font settings, Plasma 5 closed with a crash (an old problem).

I had installed root partition with Btrfs and integral /home in 20GB test partition. Snapper installed by default with its config set up. Glad to see a reduction in snapshot retention and Timeline snapshots at zero. For those interested, here it is:

~> sudo snapper get-config
Key                    | Value 
ALLOW_GROUPS           |       
ALLOW_USERS            |       
FSTYPE                 | btrfs 
NUMBER_CLEANUP         | yes   
NUMBER_LIMIT           | 10    
NUMBER_MIN_AGE         | 1800  
SUBVOLUME              | /     
SYNC_ACL               | no    
TIMELINE_CLEANUP       | yes   
TIMELINE_CREATE        | no    
TIMELINE_MIN_AGE       | 1800 


I will be reducing my config’s values even further to lower Pre_Post snapshot retention, and playing with a few more apps and things over the weekend.

Oops that was not quite right. Now back on Tunbleweed, Leap’s “gparted” is the same version level - it just looks different.