Migration from vBulletin to Discourse

Where are gone all the stuff (not the thread) written by jdmcdaniel3 .
Thank you

@jcdole what "stuff’? Use the advanced search, or use what your looking for @jdmcdaniel3

Thank you for your attention.
Before the migration to Discourse, there was a whole set of documents, articles, on various topics. They were stored outside the Q&A forum.

@jcdole did you check open chat

What is ‘open chat’ and how to use it.
I’m very new in this field (and in others) :wink:

@jcdole it’s a Forum category, AFAIK Blog posts turned to Articles and moved here use the search feature with @jdmcdaniel3 #english:open-chat

Thank you very much and sorry for my ignorance.

@jcdole No problem :smile: Enjoy and remember to have fun!