Migrate home directory

I’ve been testing and updating LEAP 42.1 KDE on a separate drive while running openSUSE 13.2 KDE 4.14.9 for my daily work. Now I would like to migrate all the files under the 13.2 /home/user/.kde4 directory and other software settings in the /home/user/.config directory to LEAP. Is there a howto I can look at?

Thanks in advance.

you want to use your kde4 config files for plasma 5, I don’t think that’s possible, the closest you could do is install kde4 under LEAP migrate that directory and continue using kde4
you might need wolfi’s repo as some kde4 apps are no longer available from oss.

You need to be sure the UID is the same for both users. If you only have one user it is probably they both are 1000 but the files must reflect that. Not knowing how you plan to move the files if you back up to media then to the home be sure the backup is to a Linux format partition, MS messes with parameters. ie you do not want a MS intermediate step

Thank you. You’ve saved me from wasting a lot of time.