message every few mins to give root passwd about monitor?

I get this funny popup message every few mins to give root passwd on pc screen cant do something. How to get rid of that?

~> uname -a
Linux KiD2 3.1.10-1.9-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 5 18:48:38 UTC 2012 (4a97ec8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

just a normal desktop pc.

Any advice appriciated.


Hello antsu,

Welcome here.
A few things to make life easier for you and others here.
First, please when you post computer text (like the above* uname -a* command and output), copy/paste that between CODE tags: This feature is a bit hidden, that is why you did not found it yourself, but it is veryy important in keeping computer text readable here on the forums.
Then, please allways tell which level of openSUSE you use. That is not in the *uname -a *output, but my assumption is you know that by hart (when not do

cat /etc/SuSE-release

. And, as you talk about a popu, you are using a desktop environment. Again we ca not guess which one for sure, so tell us allways if this is about KDE, Gnome, others. I know your picture shows it is KDE, but do tell this out of yoourself and do not let us search for such basic information.

Then about your problem.
Please tell more. Is this from the very beginning after you installed the system? Is this from immediatly after login? Or after you started some application? We are not sitting with you at the dsktop and we are not clairvoyant. Thus we need every bit of information you can give us.

On 06/15/2012 07:56 AM, antsup wrote:
> funny popup message every few mins

i guess it is packagekit (also known as Apper) trying to run to
install some updates…

to find out for sure, in the panel at the bottom is an icon on the right
hand side (i don’t know what it looks like) which if you hover your
mouse over it it will identify itself as “Apper” or maybe
“Install/Remove Software”…when you find it, right click it and pick
(something like) Disable…

then go back to doing other stuff and see if those pop ups don’t stop.

if they do stop we know what was causing it, so leave Apper disabled and
never use it again (some folks use YaST to uninstall it–i did MONTHS
ago)…it IS broken in openSUSE…do not use it…

so, without that annoying pop up to remind you, you will need to
occasionally (some say weekly, i do it daily) launch YaST the select
“Online Update”…and, YaST will (eventually, sometimes it takes a
while) present a list of “Security” patches at the top, and a list of
“Recommended” bug fixes below that…

if you are kinda new to Linux or openSUSE i’d recommend you just click
the “Accept” button and let them all flow in…that is the safest thing
to do…

let us know how you get on…


Hey antsup, welcome.

From the kernel version I get that you’ve already updated your openSUSE. I too suspect Apper. To make sure, post data as requested by @hcvv, plus a new pic from the little window, but one with the “details” button clicked, so that the detailed information will be in the pic.

On 2012-06-15 07:56, antsup wrote:
> I get this funny popup message every
> few mins to give root passwd
> on pc screen cant do something. How to get rid of that?

And the “details”?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

tnx all for replies. And advice for future.

I been running Suse since late 90’s. Finally got decent pc so can use gui too. Been on command line over 10 years.

antsu@KiD2:~> cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64)
VERSION = 12.1
CODENAME = Asparagus
antsu@KiD2:~> uname -a
Linux KiD2 3.1.10-1.9-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 5 18:48:38 UTC 2012 (4a97ec8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Monitor is Acer x233h lcd. Dunno if that makes this. Connected via atem kvmp switch cs1784a

pc i7 running 8 cores@ 4000 intel mobo.

here screenshot w/ details

again tnx all


> here screenshot w/ details

the “get brightness” needing root has an upstream bug at and two openSUSE bugs at and

now, some of those bugs are marked ‘solved’ and others not…i read each
and didn’t see an actual solution (but rather some finger pointing to
others needing to do some work)

well, i found those bugs by googling this string:
kde “get brightness” root

and that google has LOTs of bread crumbs to follow (i did not follow
much, but you may find a smile down a path or two, i don’t know…) i
did find some previous mentions of the problem in these forum
but i did NOT find a solution…

you might wanna do the reading i’m too lazy to do for you, and if you
find the solution please inform here, and in some bug reports…

if it were my machine i would TRY inserting, one at a time, and then if
nothing changes, insert both


into the boot options block of the first green screen during boot…it
may not help and highly doubt it could cause harm (but, read my caveat,
below, anyway…)

HOWEVER, i kinda doubt if that works as it seems to be a policy kit
misconfiguration problem, somewhere in the openSUSE code…

you probably will need to add some details to a bug or two…


I ben searching and experimenting.

now error msg changed. Still kinda annoying as pops up every few mins.


On 2012-06-20 00:06, antsu1 wrote:
> I ben searching and experimenting.
> now error msg changed. Still kinda annoying as pops up every few mins.

Uninstall packagekit; at least the applet that calls it. Or, if you want to
use it, give the password and tell it to remember the action, it should work.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Now telling that you are experimenting without telling us what exactly is of not mucch use.

You were aduvised to deinstall apper. Did you do that?

I did/tried everything mentioned here and looks like finally got outta that problem. Tnx all for help. Was kinda annoying. Removing packagekit finally solved it. It did also remove apper.


On 06/21/2012 03:46 AM, antsu1 wrote:
> Removing packagekit finally solved it.

i’m happy that the advice you received four hours after your info
deficient question (six days ago), was spot on…


Took me a while to go thru all options. Always afraid to do OS level changes b4 check them out. tnx. Hopefully this thread helps someone else having same problem.

Great community here.


tnx dd

needed to experiment 1st b4 did major changes. u was rite in 1st place

On 2012-06-22 02:26, antsup wrote:

> needed to experiment 1st b4 did major changes. u was rite in 1st place

I would appreciate if you write full words. We don’t charge per letter, and
considering that this is an international forum where many people don’t
have English as the first language, it makes things very difficult to
understand what you say.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Fact is that the advice to remove apper is here in the forums many times.

On 06/22/2012 09:26 AM, hcvv wrote:
> Fact is that the advice to remove apper is here in the forums many
> times.



English Is not my 1st language. I am sorry. I am getting old (born 1968) so mind me. I just maybe spend too much time on irc and kinda sometimes need to type fast. And shorten things. Not my meaning to offend anyone. Also could say that note taken.


Couldnt edit after a cig brake so here what was trying to add:

PS I got same message again and deleted all packagekit related and it went away. Dont know how that effects system though.

On 2012-06-29 02:16, antsup wrote:

> English Is not my 1st language. I am sorry. I am getting old (born
> 1968) so mind me. I just maybe spend too much time on irc and kinda
> sometimes need to type fast. And shorten things. Not my meaning to
> offend anyone. Also could say that note_taken.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)