Mediatomb stopped working

I have been running mediatomb for a short while, mainly to play my CD collection on the internet radio. The served is a x86_64 running OpenSuSE 11.1

On jan 4 it ceased to work; the /usr/bin.mediatomb file vanished, and eversince I have been unable to get it going. i am using sqlite version.

Anyone else got this proble? And even more importantly, how do i get the thing working again? I seem t have lost the db as well and it is not regenerating either

==John ff

Just more information.

I reinstalled mediatomb from repository (11.1) and made only minimal changes (the interface in /etc/mediatomb.conf)

I get errors about being unable to write the .pid file which looks like a permision problem between user nobody and user mediatomb

The application is running but is totally unresponsive; no browser presence either. Just unusable.

If I run it as me directly it works, so it is the init.d script somewhere. Surely other must have this. Same on different machines so not just a local oddity

==John ff

On 25/01/2010 11:46, jpff wrote:

> Just more information.
> I reinstalled mediatomb from repository (11.1) and made only minimal
> changes (the interface in /etc/mediatomb.conf)
> I get errors about being unable to write the .pid file which looks like
> a permision problem between user nobody and user mediatomb

I run MediaTomb at home on openSUSE 11.2 installed from the PackMan
repos and I also saw this permission problem. My fix was to comment out
the two ‘chown nobody …’ lines in /etc/init.d/mediatomb.

> The application is running but is totally unresponsive; no browser
> presence either. Just unusable.

MediaTomb installed from PackMan listens on port 50500 whereas the
default port is 49152 if installed from source.

> If I run it as me directly it works, so it is the init.d script
> somewhere. Surely other must have this. Same on different machines so
> not just a local oddity

Running as you is creating a .mediatomb sub-directory of your home
directory with default config and database whereas running from
/etc/init.d/mediatomb uses /etc/mediatomb.


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I commented out the two chown call sin .etc.init.d/medioatomb and i do not see the error message, but it stil does not do anything.

I was aware that it was using port 50500; that was the one from which I was failing to get respnse.

It does not seem to respond to the clients nor build database of sounds

OK; changing nobody to mediatomb in the two chown calls seems to have it fixed.

hey folks,

i’ve got the same problem as described before running mediatomb on 11.1
changing “nobody” to “mediatomb” in the two chown calls doesn’t fix the problem unfortunately.
so, does anybody have some other ideas?

thanks for help!

Are you writing a log and if so what does it say? I found that while not perfect it did help to identify the area of difficulty.

I have mediatomb running (mostly) on two machines now, and my radio can play from either.

==John ff

ok, maybe i posted to quickly into this thread (even if i’m dealing for 3 days with this problem now), sry for that.
…with the hint from above (changing the chown calls from user nobody to mediatomb) i could remove one error message which told me, that he couldn’t access the .pid file.
now, after i solved that i’ve got another error in my log (/var/log/mediatomb)

2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Loading configuration from: /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Checking configuration...
2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Setting filesystem import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Setting metadata import charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Setting playlist charset to ANSI_X3.4-1968
2010-02-15 15:15:04    INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
2010-02-15 15:15:04   ERROR: You can not specify interface and IP at the same time!

google gives me one representive result where the author talks about a bug which can be fixed by commenting out the --interface section in the init-script, but i can’t figure out what he does mean exactly.

in the following my init-script

# mediatomb This script starts and stops the mediatomb daemon
# processname: mediatomb
# description: mediatomb is a daemon process which provides a UPnP service
# config: /etc/mediatomb
# config: /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
# pidfile: /var/run/

# Provides:     mediatomb
# Required-Start:   $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Required-Stop:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Default-Start:    3 5
# Default-Stop:     0 1 2 6
# Short-Description:    MediaTomb daemon
# Description:      This script starts and stops the mediatomb daemon

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.status

# Source networking configuration.
#. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Set default mediatomb configuration.

# either make an installation in /etc/mediatomb and leave this blank,
# or specify an alternative config file location using the -c option
# Note: be aware, that -i parameter is used to set the ip of the
# interface specified above

. /etc/mediatomb.conf

# make sure to run it as nobody

 -f /usr/bin/mediatomb ] || exit 0
 ${MT_INTERFACE} = "NOT_SET" ] && echo "Please edit /etc/mediatomb.conf and change \
the MT_INTERFACE variable to your network device (eth0, eth1, etc.)" && exit 0


IFACE_IP=`ifconfig | grep -i "$MT_INTERFACE" -A 1|grep "inet addr"|cut -d " " -f 12|cut -d ":" -f 2`

# By default it's all good

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
                # Start daemon.
                echo -n "Applying multicast settings to $MT_INTERFACE... "
                # those settings are necessary for us to react to M-SEARCH requests
                route add -net netmask $MT_INTERFACE >/dev/null 2>&1
                ifconfig $MT_INTERFACE allmulti
                touch $MT_PIDFILE
                chown mediatomb $MT_PIDFILE

                mkdir -p "/$MT_HOME/$MT_CFGDIR"
                chown mediatomb "/$MT_HOME/$MT_CFGDIR"

                echo -n "Starting mediatomb: "
                mediatomb $MEDIATOMB -i $IFACE_IP $MT_OPTIONS
                rc_status -v
                 $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/mediatomb
                # Stop daemons.
                echo -n "Shutting down mediatomb: "
                killproc mediatomb
                rc_status -v

                 $RETVAL = 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/mediatomb
                $0 stop
                $0 start
                $0 stop
                $0 start
                 -e /var/lock/subsys/mediatomb ] && $0 restart
                if test -e $MT_PIDFILE ; then
                        echo " seems running"
                        echo " not running"
                echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|condrestart}"


i just want you to know, that i can start mediatomb from command line and it works like a charm. even the deamon does not work correctly.

thanks for your efforts!

yeah, i’ve got it!
i’ve commented out interface section in the config.xml


anyway thanks for your help!

Following recent auto-updates from the repositories Mediatomb stopped loading on boot … in fact even attempting to invoke it by a direct CL command fails with this result: mediatomb.png

Previous to the auto-updates Mediatomb was loaded at bootup successfully from the link in the rd5.d directory which called the ‘meidatomb’ script in the above listing … which now fails to load on system boot OR by the command line ‘sh mediatomb’.

The init.d listing:

The rc5.d listing:

Any ideas???
