MATE not working


I just installed Leap from the NET ISO. Looking great, I see the developers fixed a ton of issues :slight_smile:

I decided to install the KDE desktop, but I also marked the MATE Desktop pattern to be installed. SDDM is able to detect that MATE is installed, but MATE itself doesn’t work… at all. All I get is a black screen, and then I have to reboot my system. This happened on 13.2 as well.

It doesn’t happen on Arch/Debian/Ubuntu. In fact, I can use the same /home folder in all these distros and all of them work. In addition, I erased my drive before installing openSUSE, so it was brand-new.

Here is something interesting:

amarildo@linux-jyea:~> journalctl | grep mate
Fev 22 20:35:32 linux-jyea sddm-greeter[1890]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Fev 22 21:35:51 linux-jyea sddm-greeter[6170]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Fev 22 21:35:59 linux-jyea sddm-greeter[6170]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Fev 22 21:35:59 linux-jyea sddm[1680]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Fev 22 21:35:59 linux-jyea sddm[1680]: Session "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop" selected, command: "mate-session"
Fev 22 21:35:59 linux-jyea sddm-helper[6183]: Starting: "/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession" "mate-session"
Fev 22 21:35:59 linux-jyea mate-session[6184]: WARNING: Unable to find provider 'mate-panel' of required component 'panel'
Fev 22 21:36:00 linux-jyea polkitd[1292]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-session:8 (system bus name :1.105 [/usr/lib/polkit-mate/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/mate/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)
Fev 22 21:37:04 linux-jyea polkitd[1292]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-session:8 (system bus name :1.105, object path /org/mate/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus)
Fev 22 21:37:06 linux-jyea sddm-greeter[6543]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Fev 22 21:37:07 linux-jyea sddm-greeter[6566]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"

What could be causing this?

Here’s some image:

I really need MATE working, I don’t want to stay on KDE.

BTW, if there’s any command to output everything from what is installed, let me know.


I found my MATE problem. I’m used to block a ton of packages, and one of them is libgoa. Libgoa is a dependency if gvfs, which is a dependency of MATE So now everything is fine, I’m using openSUSE with MATE and KDE5, and everything is working beautifully. All I have to do now is create a dummy package for libgoa.

I’m really happy with the results and I’m recommending openSUSE 42.1 to everybody.

Mods feel free to mark the thread as [SOLVED].


I’m glad you have it working. Enjoy opensuse Leap 42.1.