Massive Update in '42' OBS to kde4.2.3

Massive load of updates in the ‘42’ repo’s for kde4 in the OBS taking it to 4.2.3 for kde.
I did update all unconditionally in both my ‘42’ repos as there was combination of updates and roll backs.:wink:

Good Luck. Mine seems fine.

Absolutely though the only ‘obvious’ things I have come across so far are clearer fonts and the choice of actions when new hardware is detected.

To be honest I have had absolutely cracki’n fonts right from the original updated install. And so far everything I throw in a usb port just works.

I’m thinking about updating to 4.2.3 (currently on 4.2.0). Can you please tell me if it is worth it (I mean… will it mess up my existing desktop?) ? Also, I’m not certain which OBS project I must be installing from. Is it this ? When I try using the 1 click installer, the text displayed is “Just a very small set of KDE 4 base packages. Enough to start a desktop, but no luxus.”. Does this mean this is incomplete?

Any comments appreciated.

Thank you

Before I advise any further, seeing that you have admitted to using Oneclick’s, please post the terminal output of:

zypper lr -u
#  | Alias                    | Name                             | Enabled | Refresh | URI
1  | KDE:KDE4:Community       | KDE:KDE4:Community               | No      | No      |
2  | KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop | KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop         | No      | No      |
3  | KDE:Qt                   | KDE:Qt                           | Yes     | Yes     |
4  | Libdvdcss repository     | Libdvdcss repository             | Yes     | Yes     |
5  | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss    | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss            | Yes     | Yes     |
6  | openSUSE-11.1-Oss        | openSUSE-11.1-Oss                | Yes     | Yes     |
7  | openSUSE-11.1-Updates    | Updates for 11.1                 | Yes     | Yes     |
8  | openSUSE:11.1            | openSUSE:11.1                    | No      | Yes     |
9  | repo                     | Main Repository (NON-OSS)        | No      | Yes     |
10 | repo_1                   | Main Repository (OSS)            | No      | Yes     |
11 | repo_2                   | openSUSE BuildService - Database | Yes     | Yes     |
12 | repo_3                   | Packman Repository               | Yes     | Yes     |
13 | repo_4                   | NVIDIA Repository                | No      | No      |

btw, I disabled the KDE4 community repository only yesterday when I was thinking about upgrading to 4.2.3.

On 5/10/2009 10:36 AM, ikurtram wrote:
> caf4926;1983947 Wrote:
>> Before I advise any further, seeing that you have admitted to using
>> Oneclick’s, please post the terminal output of:
> Code:
> --------------------
> > > zypper lr -u
> --------------------
> [snip]
> btw, I disabled the KDE4 community repository only yesterday when I was
> thinking about upgrading to 4.2.3.
I would suggest dropping 1 of the duplicate Non-OSS and 2 of the
triplicate OSS repos.

Repo’s 1,2,3 can be removed.
The kde QT should not be necessary.

To replace 1,2 use:
Index of /repositories/KDE:/42/openSUSE_11.1
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.1_KDE_42

Then do update all unconditionally in those 2 new repo’s
Make sure Update repo is 99 priority like the others.

I hope this brings some stability, KDE 4.2 being unstable is a major turn off…
KDE 4.1 sucks so I usually update to KDE 4.2

KDE 4.2.0 has actually been quite stable for me (except for the few times when dbus-daemon starts eating lot of memory until a point where it slows down the entire system). I’m currently in the process of upgrading to 4.2.3. I hope it does not break anything.

Not in my case, but individaul results will vary.
KDE4 has been a roller coaster ride for me, but the downslides seem to go on for miles.

KDE 4.2.x has been great on my machine. This update has been no different. It’s getting better with each release! I am not going back to KDE3, Gnome or KDE 4.1.3:) Bring on KDE 4.3 and OpenSUSE 11.2!