Martian Source with 2 NICs

On my desktop I have 2 NICs: enp2s0 and enp4s0. The second NIC (enp4s0) is used from a RHEL/CentOS installation I have (on a completely different HDD). On that installation that NIC is configured to use DHCP.
On my openSUSE box, the second NIC is NOT configured. However, I see martian packets arriving on it:

2015-01-04T16:35:04.026591+02:00 peter kernel: [29616.830909] IPv4: martian source from, on dev enp4s0
2015-01-04T16:35:04.026591+02:00 peter kernel: [29616.830912] ll header: 00000000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 64 cb d1 2a 08 00        ......."d..*..
2015-01-04T16:35:04.836535+02:00 peter kernel: [29617.639849] IPv4: martian source from, on dev enp4s0
2015-01-04T16:35:04.836546+02:00 peter kernel: [29617.639858] ll header: 00000000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 64 cb d1 2a 08 00        ......."d..*..
2015-01-04T16:35:05.586634+02:00 peter kernel: [29618.389005] IPv4: martian source from, on dev enp4s0
2015-01-04T16:35:05.586644+02:00 peter kernel: [29618.389015] ll header: 00000000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 64 cb d1 2a 08 00        ......."d..*..
2015-01-04T16:35:06.336655+02:00 peter kernel: [29619.138086] IPv4: martian source from, on dev enp4s0
2015-01-04T16:35:06.336665+02:00 peter kernel: [29619.138096] ll header: 00000000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 64 cb d1 2a 08 00        ......."d..*..
2015-01-04T16:35:07.201820+02:00 peter kernel: [29620.002039] IPv4: martian source from, on dev enp4s0
2015-01-04T16:35:07.201833+02:00 peter kernel: [29620.002043] ll header: 00000000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 64 cb d1 2a 08 00        ......."d..*..

Is this opensuse 13.2 (you should always give the version).

With 13.2, “wicked” is probably managing networks.


/sbin/ifconfig -a

I’m guessing that shows the interface as up. If it is up, but unconfigured, maybe every packet looks Martian.

I suggest you configure that interface. If you don’t plan to use it, you can configure that.

Yast → Network Settings

Select the interface, and click “Edit”. Then go to the “General” tab. Look at the entry for “Activate Device”. Set that to “Never”. Then save the changes. I think that will solve your problem.

And what is your question?