Manually installing Multimedia


I am a complete novice at this.

I successfully installed Leap 42.1 with Gnome desktop.

The 1-click multimedia install is not currently available, so I am having to do it manually.

Successfully installed Packman and libdvdcss repositories.

Through YaSt Software Management I installed k3b-codecs (and the debug - hope that is right?)

I am now trying to install, for example, ffmpeg, but am baffled. Using Search, I got a list of packages for this, including four at the top which had a thick black tick (libavcodec57, liebavformat57, libavutil55 and libswresample2). In addition, other packages I need also have similar items in thick black ticks. I am assuming that I MUST install these items along with, for example, ffmeg. Is that right?

Also, there isn’t just one ffmpeg, but at least half a dozen options! Do I just tick the plain vanilla ffmpeg option?

And will this all be true in subsequent packages that I need to install for Multimedia?

Please try to keep your answers as simple as possible. Assume little knowledge.

Many thanks!

The most important action is “to switch to Packman”.

YaST > Software > Software Management. From the View menu choose Repositories. It will give you a list of repos at left. Select Packman. At right you now have all packages from Packman. Above that list there is the text: " Switch system packages to …". click on the underline part of that. Then carry on lower right.

This will replace all “crippled” multimediapcakages you already have from the initial installation by those from Packman (and it will add the needed dependencies from Packman).

IIAC ffmpeg is already installed by default, thus after this action you will have a fully functional ffmpeg. When this is not the case select the ffmpeg package from that Packman list for installation. It will draw in all the needed packages with have ffmpeg as part of their name (and maybe even a few others). But as said, IIAC you already have ffmpeg.


Many thanks for that. I did it all successfully. Does that now mean I have a fully functional multimedia package in place?

My most pressing concern is whether there is a CD player now on the computer. Assuming there is, how do I now make sure that is the first choice option whenever a CD is put in the CD drive? Also, how do I add that to the Activities drop down menu?



In particular, I would like to use Rhythmn Box, which I previously had on a much, much older version of Suse.

There does appear to be a down load for this on But will this be Packman compatible, or is that even the right question?!

If I download this, where will it be saved to on my system and how would I activate it?

You should download software from the official repos or those that are part of the opensuse build service, where users publish builds of software (little bit like PPA’s in Ubuntu)

Use the search feature in Yast > Software Management to find what is available from your current repo set
Search for other sources at

depneds on what you mean with “fully”. Of those multimedia products you had/have, you now have the full version. Those are the products that are installed by a default installation (as long as you did not change things during installation). As in many cases outside multimedia, there will be products you don’t have (and of which many people have even never heard). So what you think as a “must belong to fully” may not be of any impotance to others.

I do not understand you here. Do you have that CD player on the system or not? When not, don’t bother. When yes, just try it. It depends on your desktop. I can only talk about KDE. When a CD is loaded, KDE will show you a pop-up menu which offers you sveveral applications to use. The list will depend on de contents of the CD. It can be an empty one (when you can also burn), a music one, contain a file system, etc.

When you have problems/questions on tthat, please start a new thread with a good title. That is the way to draw the attention of people to your problem. Most people will not see it when you hang a new question at the end of a thread where they are not looking anymore (because it is not their speciality or they consider it solved).

Same for questions about a specific product like that Rhythmn Box. A new thread with a short description containing at least the words Rhythmn Box will hopefully draw the attention of people knowing that poduct.