MangoHUD not working for game

Hello, I am trying to run MangoHUD for NFSMW 2005 which is run under Proton Experimental with dinput8 override for widescreen fix. The game runs but mangohud doesn’t show up.

My Steam Arguments: mangohud WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%

mangohud works on glxgears and SuperTuxKart with --dlsym.

Yes, I used GOverlay to configure.

And many more bugs. MangoHUD does not work with all games and Mods…

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Okay but funny enough the 1st article showed that the guy was able to run MangoHUD within NFSMW. I am running it off of Steam so, not sure.

Regarding the 2nd article, that means I need gamescope?

Solved. I didn’t install mangohud-32bit

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