make: g77: Command not found

Hello everyone. I am new to opensuse and I am encountering a problem while trying to install pftools ( According to the README file when i type
[size=2]make all[/size][/size]
I get the following error
[size=2]g77 -O2 -init-local-zero -fno-automatic io.o gtop.f -o gtop
make: g77: Command not found
make: *** [gtop] Error 127[/size]

I checked in yast -> software management -> searching fortran and get the following ticked (which means installed i guess) 

gcc-fortran 32bit
gcc-33fortran -32bit
libgfortran46 32bit
libquadmath46 32bit
gfortran is installed (am i right as it is in the ticked list?). but still am getting the above error. Can anyone please help me to sort out the error in order to install pftools? :frowning:

Maybe need the f2c package for 77

Have a look at
G77 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Besides of that,
this is the wrong forum -
would be the right one.

Please hold on replies until moved to the right forum.

Thank You,

Hello everyone. I am new to opensuse and I am encountering a problem while trying to install pftools ( According to the README file when i type
[size=2]make all[/size][/size]
I get the following error
[size=2]g77 -O2 -init-local-zero -fno-automatic io.o gtop.f -o gtop
make: g77: Command not found
make: *** [gtop] Error 127[/size]

I checked in yast -> software management -> searching fortran  and get the following ticked (which means installed i guess) 

gcc-fortran 32bit
gcc-33fortran -32bit
libgfortran46 32bit
libquadmath46 32bit
gfortran is installed (am i right as it is in the ticked list?). but still am getting the above error. Can anyone please help me to sort out the error in order to install pftools? :frowning:


First a forum technical request. Please do not use bold for highlighting your computer texts, but use the CODE tags. You get them by clicking on the # button in the tool bar of the post editor. And then please copy/paste between the tags as complete as possible: the prompt, the command, the output and the next prompt. This will show others exactly who you were, where you were, what you did and what you got. In the same time there is no need any more for you tell a story like: “When I type …, I get …”, because it is all there.

In general, when you want to build software yourself, it is very usefull first to go into YaST > Software > Software Management and then to choose Patterns from the View menu. Scroll then down to thew Developement part and check Basic Developement for installation. Maybe you have done this already, but you did not mention.

Where are the replies to that thread that were posted while still in the Install/Boot/Login forum?

Hm, I guess something went wrong during the move. In any case a new double post thread was started by the OP.

I now merged the two threads and it is in Programming/Scripting.

I invite the ag78 to answer to the posts with suggestions above.

This thread was accidently left closed after the merge action mentioned above.
It is opened now. Sorry for the delay
(And thanks to the person who PMed me about this).

Hi again,

it seems that g77 isn’t alive anymore, see as well:
gfortran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you may need to update the makefile.

Otherwise - the first replies to that thread are back !

Try gfortran instead of g77.

Am 07.11.2013 03:56, schrieb arvidjaar:
> Try gfortran instead of g77.

but it should also be possible just to use the compatibility package
gcc33-fortran from the standard repositories which can live without side
effects together with the standard compilers and gfortran.
It installs the executable /usr/bin/g77-3.3, so a symbolic link
/usr/bin/g77 pointing to /usr/bin/g77-3.3 should solve the original
trouble with the old make file (there may be more issues of course than
just that with the old make file).

PC: oS 12.3 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.10 | GTX 650 Ti
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.3 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.10 | HD 3000