lxde minimal

Hello guys,
I’m with opensuse 13.2 - Minimum installation, and I would like to install lxde.
searching, I found the patterns-openSUSE-lxde, but I realize that still has a lot of built-in thing and no need for me.
researching, I found some tips (colleague l3net.wordpress.com) as:

zypper install xorg-x11 xorg-x11-server

#zypper install lxappearance lxappearance-lang lxappearance-obconf
lxcc lxde-common lxde-common-branding-openSUSE lxdm lxinput lxmenu-data
lxmusic lxmusic-lang lxpanel lxpanel-lang lxrandr
lxsession lxsession-edit lxshortcut lxtask lxterminal
lxterminal-lang menu-cache mtpaint nuoveXT2-icon-theme
obconf openal-soft openbox pcmanfm pcmanfm-lang
#echo “exec startlxde” > ~/.xinitrc

the principle works fine but when I try to log out, the mouse signals processing but does not exit.
Well, I think that something is missing (lol), then I would know of you, if there is a more basic list of what patterns of opensuse I can use to guarantee that the basic operations of login / logout, firefox, pdf etc. work well.

thank you guys!

Install the pattern. Apparently something you think you don’t need you do.

Thanks for the tip :wink:
but as I could make a very brief installation in redhat and get a sense of what was needed, I decided to study it in opensuse. :wink:

minimal install
network configs…
yum install gpm
yum groupinstall “Desktop”
yum install firefox evince

login in terminal and startx

with this I have the most basic gnome I’ve ever seen.

no services - a desktop super lean with little memory - a great option to virtualize within a Core2Duo. :wink:
and still place an oracle … rsrsrsrs

I wonder if someone sees such a challenge …:wink:

Which dm are you using??

good, soon after installation, I started with:

xorg-x11 xorg-x11-server