Lutris has missing translations

Hello, I’m currently have an issue with lutris package in openSUSE TW repo.

Lutris only has english language, when I try to execute:

LANG=ex_MX.UTF-8 lutris

Has no effect. Lutris keeps launching with english locale.

I don’t know if Factory team is building lutris with meson because it generates the necessary .po files for translations as it mencioned in this github issue:

You can check it yourself:

In any case, I do not see ex.po on Lutris github so I doubt using Meson will help much unless someone also contributes this translation.

I’m telling the factory team via IRC to include the missing translations on the same package or provide a lutris-lang package.

That is absolutely the best way to make sure that this isn’t ever going to happen, joining any of our -Factory communication channels, and trying to tell people what to do.

Did you consider that it could be simply language barrier?

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Is there another better way to do it?

I got no response on IRC.
Same on the main github repo.

If not, why they have IRC channels or github issues/pull requests in the first place?

Pull request works this way - you make the necessary changes, ready to be included without any conflicts, and then submit to the the main project for approval and merging (ideally, having tested and verified it before). Pull requests are not there so you can tell others “now go and do it”. Pull requests are there so you can do it yourself.

The same applies to the OBS SR which would be the right place to do it (because according to what you said it is the local packaging issue, not an upstream problem).

So, I need to recompile lutris by myself to include the translations because a bunch of maintainers don’t know how to build it correctly, right?

Bro, this is so hilarious and frustrating at the same time.
Distros like Debian, Fedora, Arch already has lutris compiled with translations on their main repos, why SUSE not?

@JMarcosHP1 openSUSE is a Do-Ocrity, those that care, do… Maintainers come and go, by the looks it has not been updated in some time to include the meson part to build translations.

As explained by @arvidjaar since you care for this package, consider fixing the spec file, updating if needed and test etc and submit for anyone in the Community to benefit from?

Sure, I’m writing changes and testing right now.

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@arvidjaar @sfalken @malcolmlewis
Guys, please help me testing.

@JMarcosHP1 You need to branch the package from

Update that one and add your changes to the lutris.changes file :wink:

By default branched packages don’t publish, so users whom wish to test can download from the build link.

I’ve sent a request for maintainer role addition.

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