LTSP with minimum applications

Hi All,

I’m new to opensuse. I have installed opensuse 11.2 and then installed Kiwi-ltsp (Two network cards installed). Client system is booting from ltsp server using PXE boot method. But in client system full server is loaded.

is there any option to configure/create new image with few applications (Openoffice and browser is enough)?

It would be great help, if anyone helps…

I think you should direct ltsp related questions to kiwi-ltsp forum/mailing-list. There, you will get better answers.

Applications are not embedded in the client boot-image. The user who logged in actually seeing applications from the server.

thanks for your information.

And if applications is being showed from server means, I want to allow only minimum applications to the client usage and dont allow administrative applications. is it possible?

If you are using KDE, you can control the user desktop using its kiosk framework.

You may use kiosktool if you want to do it via GUI.

zypper install kiosktool