lost windows option

>:( i have lost the windows option in boot menu options (grub) , now i don’t know what to do ,plz help !

thanx in advance :wink:

This is a very common issue. Search in the older posts of this forum. Still if you can’t find the solution post the output of fdisk -l or just tell on which drive your windows is installed (i.e. sda1 or sda2 or what).

it is on sda1 :expressionless:

Expecting that you’ve Windows XP. Do it in easy graphical way. Open YaST from the menu. It’ll ask for root password. Then from there select Boot Loader. It’ll show current boot configuration. Click on the Add button. Select Chainloader Section. Give desired name in Section Name (ie, WinXP). Check the box Don’t verify filesystem before booting. Select /dev/sda1 as Other Device. Click OK. Hope this’ll work. If it fails (I don’t think so :)) post the output of cat /boot/grub/menu.lst.

u rocks dude thanks …:wink: