Lost Firefox, Thunderbird and Libreoffice after system hardware upgrad

Hi peeps,

Opensuse 13.1

So, I upgraded my hardware today. basically going from an i3 processor with 4 Gb ram to an i7 with 8Gb, so a change of motherboard.

Thought the quickest and simplest way, this being Linux after all, was just to take hard drive from the old PC and put in the new one.

Fantastic. That worked. The only thing I had to do, or so I thought was to reconfigure networking, which I did using Yast.

Anyhow, I then discovered that if I launch Firefox, Thunderbird or Libreoffice, I get no visible signs that they are working. Event viewer shows them running. They get PIDS assigned and use the memory I would expect, they just don’t display.

Trying them from the CLI, just gets a prompt sitting, with no indication what’s going on in the background and trying to run them twice gets the system message that they are running but not responding.

Thought, hey, no problem. Put the HD back in the original PC. Exactly the same.

Safe mode is the same.

Created new user just in case my KDE configs were borked but just the same with a new user too.

Try de-install and re-install. No help there

Wont even run as root.

Now at a loss and looking for assistance, so keeping fingers crossed.


Try installing a new kernel from the stable kernels repo (you can probably find the URL with google).

You might have newer hardware that needs a newer kernel for support.

i7 (Skylake) probably needs kernels greater then 4.3. to work right

I would probably agree except going back to the old PC showed the same problems afterwards. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve had any problems with Opensuse and it’s looking like I might just re-install. I just can’t figure out how changing the motherboard and having to re configure networking can cause this problem.
Everything KDE still works as before, so it even more confusing.

Did you run mkinitrd to sense new hardware. But still skylake requires +4.3 to run right. Since you did not say I’m assuming you use the built in GPU.